- He can do it after some fashion. 他还可以勉强做一点。
- After some time he returned to his old habit. 过了一些时候,他又故态复萌了。
- After some pleasant talk, we got down to business. 寒暄笑谈之後,我们开始做正事。
- The meat begin to decompose after some time in the sun. 肉在太阳下放了一些时候後开始腐败。
- These metis are always deformed in some fashion. 无论如何,总有一些狼人尤其是双亲都是狼人的狼人。
- after some fashion 勉勉强强地;多少
- After some hesitation, she came out with the whole truth. 犹豫了一会,她终於道出了全部真相。
- The meat began to decompose after some time in the sun. 肉在太阳下放了一些时候後开始腐败。
- He lined through the entry after some consideration. 经过了一番考虑之后,他把这个项目划掉了。
- Survivors must be able to cope with these in some fashion. 存活者应能以某种形式来应付这些情况。
- Colin: Maybe you can give me some fashion tips then? 科林:那么也许你可以给我一些新潮的点子?
- After some discussion we arrive at a compromise. 经过一番讨论之后,我们达成一项折衷方案。
- Diarmuid: Some fashion models say they are naturally that slim. 不过很多人觉得除非特意地去减肥,不然没人会自然地瘦成那样。
- After some talks, they got down to business. 谈过一些事以后,他们开始转入正题。
- After some forethought I decided to fly. 经过先前的考虑后我决定要飞翔。
- After some time, Silly Simon is very tired. 他把branch扔在路上; 空着手go home.
- When light hits a surface, it reacts with that surface in some fashion. 当点击轻型水面,反应,有的表面时装。
- After some hesitation he came out with the truth. 他经过一番踌躇之后,把真相说了出来。
- After some hesitation, he made a decision finally. 虽有些犹豫,他最后还是做出了决定。
- After some introspection, I think you are right. 经过了自省后,我认为你是对的。