- After hours of digging, we began to slacken up a little. 我们挖了数小时後,速度慢了下来。
- After hours of questioning, the man coughed up and admitted to stealing jewels. 经过几个小时的审讯,那家伙认了罪,承认他偷了珠宝。
- After hours of grilling, the prisoner opened up. 经过几小时的审讯以后,犯人开始吐露真情。
- After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed. 经过数小时的审问后,嫌疑犯终于招供。
- And after hours of contention they parted. 争辩了几个小时后,他们各自回家。
- After hours of agonizing, he made his decision. 经过几个小时的思想斗争,他做出了决定。
- Even after hours of work his energy never seems to give out. 即使连续工作几个小时,他的精力也好像永远用不完。
- After hours of questioning by police, she made a full confession. 经过警察数小时的审问,她才供认了全部罪行。
- They decided on their plan of action after hours of discussion. 经过数小时的讨论,他们决定了行动计划。
- A desperate tiredness set in after hours of anxious waiting. 数小时的焦急等待之后,整个人变得精疲力竭。
- After hours of suffering she was delivered of a dead baby. 在几个小时的痛苦之后,她产出一个死婴。
- But after hours of treading water, poor exhausted Smith drowned. 但经过与洪水几个小时的斗争,可怜的史密斯精疲力竭,溺水身亡。
- Finally, they could reach a conclusion after hours of bargaining. 经过数个时辰的讨价还价,他们终于达成了协议。
- Finally, they reached a conclusion after hours of bargaining. 经过几个小时的讨价还价,他们终于达成了协议。
- After hours of digging,we begin to slacken up a little. 我们挖了数小时后,速度慢了下来。
- After hours of hard working, they overcame the difficulty. 经过几个小时的努力,他们终于把这难题解决了。
- After hours of labor, he finally completed the report. 经过数小时的努力奋斗,他终于完成了报告。
- After hours of questioning,the man coughed up and admitted to stealing jewels. 经过几个小时的审讯,那家伙认了罪,承认他偷了珠宝。
- After hours of working in the hot sun,the men were dying for a cold beer. 在炎热的太阳下工作数小时后,人们真想喝上一杯冰镇啤酒。
- After hours of barking I lost my head and put the dog out of the house. 狗叫了几个小时,搞得我心烦意乱,我把它轰了出去。