- After advancing an improved method and using it into the UNB communication theory again, we find the right result. 提出了改进的办法,并将其运用于超窄带通信理论,得到了正确的结果。
- The intercession system of civil lawsuit has be called for and extended again after advancing building socialistic harmonious society. 在党中央提出要构建社会主义和谐社会以后,民事诉讼调解制度再一次被提倡和推广。
- On the evening of April 11, after advancing some sixty miles since daybreak, a spearhead of the U.S. Ninth Army reached the Elbe River near Magdeburg, and on the next day threw a bridgehead over it. 美国第九集团军先头部队4月11日破晓以来挺进了大约六十英里,晚上到达马格德堡附近的易北河岸,第二天就在河岸建立了桥头堡。
- On the evening of April 11, after advancing some sixty miles since daybreak, a spearhead of the U.S.Ninth Army reached the Elbe River near Magdeburg, and on the next day threw a bridgehead over it. 美国第九集团军先头部队4月11日破晓以来挺进了大约六十英里,晚上到达马格德堡附近的易北河岸,第二天就在河岸建立了桥头堡。
- After advancing at a measly 1.5% per year for more than two decades, productivity growth soared to an average of 2.5% a year in the late 1990s and over 3% a year between 2002 and 2004. 在以年均增长1.;5%25的速度增长了二十多年以后,在1990年代后期生产率增长速度猛增到年均增长2
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- After advanced schools establishs Guilin normal school, department (ministry) general Party branch is gifted the important task that student government works. 桂林师范高等专科学校成立后,系(部)党总支被赋予学生管理工作的重任。
- The door shut with a bang after the angry man. 那人愤怒地走出屋把门砰地一声关上了。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- Delievery within 3 weeks after advanced payment received, 1% Penalty of the contract under one day's delay, and we will not responsible for the delay caused by your shipment's fixment. 交货日期为收到定金之日起3个星期。如果延迟一天给予你方全部货款的1%25违约金。如果你方货代因订船延误,我们不付违约金。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在医院住了两个礼拜後,现在他能外出走动了。
- If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. 假如今天是星期二,後天就是星期四。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 经过长期痛苦的疾病之后,他死了。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- Poor Lionel went to pieces after his wife died. 可怜的莱昂内尔在妻子死后垮了下来。
- After a day at the races I was left stony broke. 一天赛马会下来,我一贫如洗。