- Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 理学
- after Song and Ming dynasties 宋明以来
- But after the rise of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, Buddhism, together with Taoism, was relegated to the wilderness. 但宋明理学兴起,佛教被划为与道教同属的活动,一起被打入山林退隐了。
- But after the rise of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties,Buddhism,together with Taoism,was relegated to the wilderness. 但宋明理学兴起,佛教被划为与道教同属的活动,一起被打入山林退隐了。
- In Song and Ming Dynasties, this question was ever put in the unprecedentedly important position. 宋明理学把这个问题提到空前重要的地位,“理欲”是理学的一对基本范畴。
- In Song and Ming dynasties, jade production mainly made living wares, among which pseudoclassicism was very developed. 宋、明时期,玉器制作以生活使用器皿为多,其中仿古之作十分发达。
- Ho Kyun's poetic criticism involves Korean poetry as well as Chinese poetry in the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. 这一时期的许筠诗歌批评涉及到了唐、宋、明诗以及朝鲜历代诗歌。
- Before the sea transportation was developed in the Song and Ming dynasties, residents along the Silk Road were engaged in farming and herding. 在宋、明两代海上交通兴起以前,西域"丝绸之路"交通要道上的城镇居民,多从事农耕、畜牧
- Happiness is one of the main features of Confucian ideology,and a focal point of study by Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties. 乐(luo)是孔子思想的一大特点,也是宋明儒学探讨的重点。
- From the perspective of rhyme or reason,Buddhism plays a vital role in promoting ideology of mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 宋明理学提出了一系列本体意义的范畴,并自觉地为儒家道德伦理寻找形上根据,这在一定程度上是受佛教本体论思维模式的影响。
- Buddhism plays an important part in and exerts great influence upon the formation and development of mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 佛学在宋明理学的形成和发展过程中具有重要的影响和作用,这种影响与作用必须客观如实地界定。
- In education, Luo Zenan revered the Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and paid attention to the application of the educational method. 在教育方面则以理学为尊,注重教育方法的运用。
- In a sharp contrast with the Confucians of Song and Ming dynasties, scholars of Qing totally lost the belief and enthusiasm to create an idealized society of heavenly principle. 与宋明儒形成鲜明对照的是,清学的学者丧失了缔造一个天理流行的理想社会的信心和热情。
- Mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties proposed a series of categories in ontological sense and sought for superorganic grounds for Confucian ethics and ... 而且,宋明理学提出了性善的遍在性思想,并对人性恶进行了分析,尤其是理学家提出性的超越性思想,都不同程度地吸收和消化了佛学的一些资粮,深受佛学的影响。
- Although QIAN Da-xin proposes the question to Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties in many categories, he holds Wang Yangming and ZHU Xi in high esteem. 尽管钱大昕对宋明理学的很多范畴提出质疑,但他对朱熹、王阳明正心诚意、主敬立诚的思想又十分推崇。
- In every school at Neo Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, it bringed about important effect on the formation of He jian and Yi shui school and the development of medicine thought that inheritance and absorbtion of academic thought or argument. 宋明理学各学术流派之间,在学术思想上的继承和吸收、鸣与辩论,对金元时期河间与易水学派的形成以及医学思想的发展,产生了重要的推动作用。
- To create a discourse for the adherents of the past dynasties, members of Nanshe either took part in or organized activities to commemorate the emperors of Song and Ming Dynasties. 为了遗民话语的营建,南社自发或有组织地凭吊纪念宋明末代帝君陵墓、忌辰。
- Class of masses medium major includes the study of the course such as a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of the semeiology, sociolinguistics, history, sociological, anthropologic understanding that reach an agency. 大众传媒专业课包括符号学、社会语言学、历史、社会学、人类学及社会心理学等课程的学习。
- The idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties differ from thoughts in Qing Dynasty in many aspects. 宋明理学与清代思想之间就其“变”的一面来说,在于成就“内圣”的途径有异:前者主“尊德性”,后者主“道问学”;
- Song and Ming Dynasty is a very important period for philosophy and theorization of Chinese Medicine. 宋明时期是医学基础理论哲学化的重要时期,张景岳的思想受理学影响颇深,是这一时期儒医的典型代表。