- The Application of "Shape"in Song Poetry and Aesthetics Appreciation in of It's Image Character. 宋词中“影”的运用及其意象特征的审美观照。
- Reinforce aesthetic appreciation ability in life. 提升生活美学的鑑赏力。
- The aesthetics appreciation of broken arms Venus 断臂维纳斯美学赏析
- properties of aesthetics appreciation 审美特质
- He regards basketball as an ac-tivity of artistic creation. Then the audience's competition watching changes into an aesthetic appreciation. 他把篮球当成了一项艺术创造活动来完成,令球迷的观看变成了审美欣赏。
- This results in their absentmindedness in the interaction of the artistic creation and aesthetic appreciation. 农民在艺术的创作与接收的互动关系中处于缺席状态。
- Materialization is the most important method of the aesthetic appreciation of Ancient Chinese. “物化”是中国古代最重要的审美体验方式。
- Pant discourses on how contemporary cartoons help to build children's aesthetic appreciation mentality. 第二部分论述了当下动画艺术对儿童心理的审美建构,是文章的重点。
- Immanuel Kant defined “disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of “quality" in beauty. “审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。
- In regard this, this essay tempts to probe the inner drive of swordsmen literature hotness from the psychology of social culture and aesthetic appreciation. 其中受众的社会文化心理和审美心理是武侠文学热的内在动因。
- To learn an instrument is a good way for the children or students to improve their aesthetic appreciation, but also to develop their intelligence. 对孩子和学生而言学习一门乐器都是提高他们审美能力和增进智力的好方法。
- I consider the teenagers are supposed to be noticed, because they need more ways to understand the society and to improve their aesthetic appreciation. 我认为青年人应该被关注,因为他们需要更多的方式来理解社会并且提升审美能力。
- Hope is beautiful seed; if you just hold it in your hands only for aesthetic appreciation, then the golden fruit will vanish like a bubble. 希望是一粒美丽的种子,如果只捧在手中欣赏,金色的果实只能化为泡影。
- The key of the education of music and art is art appreciation and aesthetic appreciation so as to enhance the diffusion and pervasion of humanism. 公共艺术教育必须紧紧抓住艺术欣赏和审美欣赏这个关键,加强人文精神的传播和渗透;
- Aesthetic field is the ecosphere of virtuous operating circle of aesthetic appreciation, criticism, research, and creation activities. 摘要审美场是审美欣赏、批评、研究、创造活动按序运转循环的生态圈。
- Aesthetic appreciation of employment status is the refutation and surpass of "non-aesthetic appreciation" of employment status. 从业状态审美化是对从业状态“非审美化”的反驳和超越。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- We live in a very utilitarian age, where English as a practical tool is considered of more worth than an aesthetic appreciation of literature, culture or history. 我们生活在一个非常功利的时代,在这个时代,英语作为一种实用工具,被认为比对文学、文化或历史的审美更加有价值。
- The pursuance of aesthetic appreciation of employment status is a long-term dynamic process, requiring efforts made and duties borne by the society and individuals. 追求从业状态审美化是一个长期的动态的过程,需要社会和个人共同做出努力,分别承担责任。
- Bai Juyi's aesthetic appreciation to landscape lays stress on the harmonious unification of nature scenery and humanity environment, and is particular about naturalism. 摘要白居易山水审美非常注重自然景物与人文环境的和谐统一,讲求清雅素朴而自然天成。