- He had earthly consolation and affections. 在尘世间他能得到慰籍和施以感情之处。
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 美学和艺术评论杂志。
- Form is to aesthetics and function is to the content and purpose. 形式上要做的美观一点,功能上要符合内容性和目的性。
- Her photo career shows that her sympathy and affections for life. 她的照片显示,她的职业生涯的同情和感情生活。
- aesthetics and affections 美与情
- His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger. 他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。
- A possible connotation of "home" is a place of warmth, comfort and affection". “家”的可能涵义是“一个温暖、舒适和爱的地方”。
- Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。
- Children need lots of love and affection. 孩子需要多多疼爱和关怀。
- In deepest sorrow and affection. 我们非常难过,深切地同情你们。
- What and affection are concerned Orphean net name? 有什么与情感有关又好听的网名?
- Responsibility and affection which a few heavier? ? 责任与情感哪个更重一些??
- Which should reason and affection believe more? 理智和情感更应该相信哪一个?
- There is a long-term natural relation between aesthetics and anthropology. 摘要美学与人类学之间具有漫长的天然联系。
- If not, there must be playacting and affectation. 一感动,就难免包含演戏和做作的成分了。
- It is about music and poetry, aesthetics and artistry, hope and audacity. 而是有关于音乐和诗句,艺术和美学、胆量和希望。
- The orphans need more care and affection. 孤儿们需要更多的照料和关爱。
- How to face study and affection pressure? 怎样面对学习和情感压力?
- Afraid your practice entail extra expense if continue and affect our margin. 你们的做法恐怕会引起额外损失,这样下去会影响我们的利润。
- Hong Min, Professor, devoted to the research on writing, aesthetics and review on literature and art. 洪珉,教授,主要从事写作学和文章美学及文艺评论研究。