- Abstract: Dandyism, as a self-conscious aesthetic life style, expresses modern people' s desire to seek the value of themselves and the significance of life by aestheticizing daily life. 文章摘要: 纨绔主义作为一种自觉的审美性处世风格,其体现的是现代人通过赋予生活审美形式,以寻求自身价值和生活意义。
- aesthetic life style 审美生活方式
- There are three basic principles of the aesthetic life: individulization, perceptualization and liberalization, for which we can infer the limit of this life style: Firstly it is based on nihilism; 考察人们对审美生存的沉思录,我们发现其中不乏质疑和批判的视角。综合地来看,审美生存的局限性表现在:首先,它是一种虚无主义的解脱之道;
- Perform fashion and romantic life style. 演绎时尚浪漫的生活情趣。
- Sometimes change your life style for one day. 每隔一阵子去过一天和你平常不同方式的生活。
- Coffee is a life style, so is Xiaoyu Coffee. 咖啡是一种生活方式,潇彧咖啡也是一种生活方式。
- Their life style is changing little by little. 他们的生活方式在一点点的发生改变。
- Civilian people like this way of life style. 文明人喜欢这样一种生活方式。
- This is a life style of self-dependence. 这是一种自力更生的一种生活。
- Emacs is not a program, it is a kind of life style. 我还没有到那种程度啦,只不过很喜欢这个程序而已。
- India Digital Life Style Distributors Pvt. 现在的孩子性早熟太普遍了。''''
- In the aspect of aesthetic life philosophy, Zong Baihua commends a life attitude both supramundane and positive, reflecting artistic spirits. 在审美的人生观方面,宗白华推崇一种既超尘脱俗又积极进取的的人生境界,反映了艺术化的心灵境界。
- The typical political environment in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Zhuang Zi's philosophy produce Ruan Ji's lonely character and his aesthetic life. 魏晋之际特殊的政治生态环境和老庄哲学思想成就了阮籍这样的畸零人格和审美的人生。
- He belongs to the county set,ie people having this life style. 他属于郡中豪绅阶层.
- "The aesthetic life" based on the life practice, "the people on the reality of relations between the aesthetic" is logic starting point, emphasizes the aesthetic life. 从蒋孔阳“美的生活”的具体内容来看,它以人生实践为基础,以“人对现实的审美关系”为逻辑出发点,重在强调人生审美化。
- Living in US, I had a great life style, but no life. 在美国,我曾有过最炫的生活方式,但那里没有生活。
- The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life. 清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。
- Also chose a kind of life style at the time of choosing love. 在选择爱情的同时,也就选择了一种生活方式。
- The mind can be controlled by maintaining a regulated life style. 有规律的生活有助于控制心意。