- The aesthetic ideal of Utopia determines the standpoint of culture and value from Beijing writers. 乌托邦式的审美理想决定了京派作家的文化价值立场,从反现代文明和反现代文化的角度出发,最终又部分复归于现代文化批判的视角。
- Aesthetic ideals are sort of imagic forms of life and human conceptions capable of sufficiently affirming and embodying the natural force of humanity. 所谓审美理想,就是一种能充分肯定和体现人的本质力量的生活观念和人的观念的形象形式。
- The individuality and emotional input of aesthetic subject is active only with lofty aesthetic ideal as the prerequisite. 审美主体的个性和情感投入必须以高尚的审美理想为前提才是积极的。
- Astrid Lindgren endowed "century kids" like Pippi Longstocking with modern aesthetic ideals and highlighted their subjective consciousness, independence and creative desires. 她赋予皮皮等“世纪儿童”以现代审美理想 ,突出他们可贵的主体意识、独立精神和创造欲望 ;
- The accomplishments were displayed as childlike aesthetic intention, harmonized aesthetic ideal and modernized aesthetic style. 其成就表现为审美意向的儿童化、审美理想的和谐化、审美范式的现代化。
- People later become aware that Bach's concertos were dedicated to a different aesthetic ideal, representing early forms of the genre. 后来,人们才慢慢地意识到,巴赫的协奏曲体现出协奏曲这种体裁的早期美学特点。
- The evolution of the aesthetic ideal of aestheticism in modern Chinese literature is closely related to Jiangnan culture. 中国新文学唯美主义审美理想的生成,与江南文化有着内在的关联。
- His folk stand has contributed too much to the nationalization and popularization of the new literature, from which the author's aesthetic ideals can be perceived. 他的民间立场,使他的创作为新文学的民族化和大众化作出了突出的贡献,寄托着作家的审美理想。
- Ridicule has particular aesthetic value and social function, its aesthetic ideal reach the realization through the propagational flow which is composed of ridicule person, ridicule diction and ridicule receiver. 摘要调侃具有一定的审美价值和社会功能,其审美理想是通过调侃者、调侃话语、受众3方因素构成的传播流程来实现的。
- The importance of describing the dustcoat in such heavy degree lies in: first, revealing people's individuality; second, showing times feature; third, opening up new aesthetic ideal. 浓墨重彩描写风雨衣,要义在于一、突现人物个性;二、显现时代特征;三、展示新的审美理想。
- The main aesthetical ideal of ZhangYan to poertry is "refined tastes","lucidity",and "aesthetic interest",which mutually interact and perfect. "骚雅"、"清空"、"意趣"是张炎对词的主要审美理想,三者相互影响,相辅相成。
- As a result, experience which was reasserted in various forms and belonged in personal life field, re-emerged in contemporary aesthetical ideal. 于是,在美学史上不断以各种形式重申的、属于个人生活领域的体验在当代美学理想中又一次登场。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。
- Thirdly, the artistic outlook on the life, or the artistic transformation of human life, closely ties the arts and human life together, embodies the aesthetic ideal of modern aesthetics, composes the final destination of modem aesthetics. 第三,艺术的人生观或者人生的艺术化将艺术与人生紧密地联系起来,审美人生展示出现代美学的审美理想,成为现代美学的价值归宿。
- He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. 他认为很难按自己的理想办事。
- She tries up to live up to her ideals. 她努力要实现她的理想。
- The Aesthetic Ideal of Traditional Ancient Chinese Painting 中国古代绘画的审美理想
- It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。