- aegirine augite 霓辉石
- There are many deep xenoliths in silicified aegirine syenite porphyry of Xiaoqiaotou area, western Yunnan Province. 摘要滇西玉龙县小桥头硅化霓辉正长斑岩中,含有较多镁铁-超镁铁质深源包体岩石。
- Recently,3 special xenoliths have been discovered in the aegirine syenite porphyry at Liuhe. 在六合霓辉正长斑岩中广泛发育的各类包体岩石中,新近发现了三类特殊包体。
- There exist quite a few deep xenoliths in silicified aegirine syenite porphyry within Jinhe intrusive body of Jianchuan, western Yunnan Province. 摘要云南剑川金河岩体中的硅化霓辉正长斑岩含有较多的镁铁-超镁铁质深源岩石包体。
- Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite. 朝山金矿床与白芒山辉石闪长岩有直接的成因联系。
- Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。
- Electron microprobe analyses show that the clinopyroxene comprises mainly diopside, with minor augite in skarn. 电子探针分析结果表明,矽卡岩矿物中单斜辉石以透辉石为主,仅存在少量普通辉石;
- Generally, the intrusions is small and lithologic composions mainly include diorite, adamellite or syenite. 侵入岩体规模一般较小,岩性主要为闪长岩类、石英(二长)斑岩类或正长岩类的中酸性岩石。
- Three spodumene samples with different colors and two aegirine samples were taken from the same ore body to be tested. 以3种不同颜色的锂辉石和两种霓石为例,分别以油酸钠和十二胺作捕收剂研究了同种矿物的浮游性差异及产生的原因。
- They are mostly granite, granodiorite, quartz syenite and monzodiorite.Different types of granitic rocks are exposed in different tectonic units. 岩石类型主要为花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、石英正长岩及二长闪长岩。
- The results show that, Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. 结果表明:矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;
- The Beiya gold deposit with a large-sized prospective reserves is a polygenetic deposit related to alkaline syenite porphyry. 北衙金矿床是与碱性正长斑岩有关的具大型资源远景的一个多成因矿床。
- It pointed out that the main minerals in Aegirine stone are composed of Aegirine and diopside. Among them the isomorphism series can be formed. 指出霓石结石中的主要矿物为霓石和透辉石,它们之间能形成类质同象系列。
- In this paper, the authors reviewed the development and research status of nepheline syenite in Gejiu in the last 44 years. 综述了44年来个旧白云山霞石正长岩开发利用研究的基本情况。
- Wadeite is paragenic with aegirine, nepheline, arfredsonite, microcline and apatite, and associated with natrolite, rinkite and cancrinite. 与钠沸石、层硅铈钛矿、钙霞石等伴生.
- Metallogenic conditions are analyzed from the magmatism of REE bearing syenite,hydrothermal activity and fracture activity. 从富含稀土的正长岩岩浆活动、浅成热液作用和断裂构造分析了矿床成矿条件。
- The effect of gangue minerals (serpentine, olivine and augite) containing magnesium onpentlandite flotation has been studied in this paper. 本文研究了含镁脉石矿物(蛇纹石、橄榄石和辉石)对镍黄铁矿浮选的影响。
- The rock mass of syenite porphyry in the north part of Babaoshan coal mine was demonstrated on its lithologic characters,geologic age and occurence. 从岩体的岩性、时代、产状等方面,论证了八宝山煤矿北部的正长斑岩体为一岩盖,下部找煤前景可观,可在井下实施巷探和定向钻探找煤,以延长矿井寿
- Dalucao Xishan etc.Metallogenic conditions are analyzed from the magmatism of REE-bearing syenite,hydrothermal activity and fracture activity. 从富含稀土的正长岩岩浆活动、浅成热液作用和断裂构造分析了矿床成矿条件。
- Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar,the batch mixtures were prepared on a composition of float glass and are melted into glasses. 以霞石正长岩取代长石,按照浮法玻璃的成份制备配合料并熔制玻璃。