- Is the embodiment of natural and environmental horticulture, the show is a living advocating natural scenes. 园艺体现的是自然与环保,展现出的则是一种崇尚自然的生活情景。
- Scholars advocating natural, stress elegant to the very demanding garden, so there Jiangnan region of the garden to landscape. 文人崇尚自然、讲究文雅,对造园的要求极高,所以才出现了江南地区名园林立的景观。
- Therefore, in today's interior design styles and intricate, advocating natural, natural garden style interminable become an important trend in interior design. 因而在室内设计流派纷呈的今天,崇尚自然、返璞归真的田园风格历久不衰,成为室内设计的一种重要趋势。
- Worth advocating naturally, the natural beautiful pursuit like the celestial being not glossed over. 天然是值得崇尚的,不加粉饰的自然之美宛如仙人的追求。
- Bit more beautiful: Advocate natural, have again " randy " pen. 靓点:崇尚自然,又有“好色”之笔。
- Blending art into design,advocating nature and respecting tradition are my permanent principles in the design. 融艺术于设计,崇尚自然,尊重传统,是我在设计中始终始终遵循的理念。
- Several of the German Association of herbs, MD, said that the West in recent years advocating nature, away from the concept of chemical pollution. 德国草药协会的几位医学博士说,西方近年来崇尚自然,远离化学污染的理念。
- Influenced by Zhuang Zi's thought of advocating nature,it expends and describes everything in nature, taking it as an independent aesthetics and contrasted object. 它以老庄的崇尚自然为文化底蕴,把自然万物作为一种独立的审美观照对象来加以拓写和描绘。
- It is worthy to totice that Swedish people advocate natural and handicraft styles, including the reclaimation of ancient Chinese silk technology. 此外,瑞典崇尚自然和手工的风气很盛,包括对中国古代丝绸技术的再利用,都有值得称道的地方。
- Between Han and Jin dynasty, the general mood of major families and scholars violent change, they gradually advocate “natural and unconventionality”. 汉晋之间,世风与士风剧变,渐尚“通侻”。究其原因,与曹魏统治者之身体力行及其政策不无关系。
- With the rapid development of ornament, especially people's advocating nature consuming idea, the potentiality of exploibng the forest products ornament materials is still very considerable. 随着我国的装讳业发展迅速,尤其是在人们崇尚自然的消费趋势中,林产装饰材料的开发潜力仍很可观。
- People is in the life more and more advocate natural, lead, contracted, household illuminative style also pays attention to individuation even more subsequently. 人们在生活中越来越崇尚自然、超前、简约,家居装饰的风格也随之越发注重个性化。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- The cane that is forgotten makes furniture return uncut jade to return in people pursuit true, advocate natural today, change one's appearance, take fashionable forward position again again. 被遗忘的藤制家具在人们追求返璞归真、崇尚自然的今天,改头换面,重又走到时尚的前沿。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。
- Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。