- I must advertise for a new secretary. 我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书。
- Why don't you advertise for your lost dog? 你的狗丢了为什么不登广告呢?
- I must advertise for a new secretary . 我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书.
- The hotel wants to advertise for waiters. 这家饭店要招聘服务员。
- We should advertise for someone to look after the garden. 我们该登个广告聘人来照管花园。
- A short filmed advertisement for a movie. 宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片
- We will advertise for our new dish washer next week. 我们将在下周给新型洗碗机做广告。
- The message for managers here is to get commitments in writing. 这里经理人得到的提示是要获得书面承诺。
- We should advertise for someone to look after our children. 我们该登个广告聘人来照管孩子们。
- Mary, I want to advertise for a new junjor secretary. 玛丽,我想登广告招聘一名初级秘书。
- No more advertise for MAC, right ? Please turn over... 不要再为MAC卖广告了,对吗?请转到后页...
- We should advertise for someone to look after our children . 我们应登广告找一个照看孩子的人。
- Provide a sound system for managers and staff training manual. 提供完善的店长及员工培训制度手册。
- advertise for managers 登广告招聘管理人员
- Which aspects are the main responsibilities for managers? 哪些方面是管理干部的主要职责呢?
- Mary is leaving next month so we must advertise for a replacement for her. 玛丽下个月离职,我们必须登广告招聘一个人接替她。
- The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers. 那家公司在报纸上登广告徵聘打字员。
- Your mother has a genius for managing such things . 你母亲有处这样的事情的天才。
- He is incompetent for managing a hotel. 他没有经营旅馆的能力。
- The paper advertises for two editors. 这家报纸招聘两名编辑。