- Smoking has been associated with a number of adverse health effects. 吸烟对身体健康有许多害处。
- The adverse health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure. 汽车尾气对人类健康所构成的有害影响是普遍的,并且难以估算。
- Risk assessment is the scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to food-borne hazards. 风险评估是以科学方法,评估食物危害对人体健康所造成已知或潜在的不良影响。
- Arsenic, which is a highly poisonous metalloid, causes acute and chronic adverse health effects, including skin lesions, hyperkeratosis, blackfoot disease and cancer. 砷是一种剧毒的类金属,能引起机体急性和慢性损伤包括皮肤损害、角化过度、黑脚病、癌症。
- According to the state Department of Public Health, bromate levels should reach at least 200 parts per billion before adverse health effects are seen. 链接出处根据KNBC引用DPH的数据,bromate的含量至少要到200才会对人体有害。
- The environmental sources of radon, its properties, pathways of human exposure, mechanisms of tox-icity and adverse health effects are described. 阐述了人类赖以生存的环境中氡的来源、性质、进入人体的途径及致病机制和主要的危害。
- From a dietary perspective, new insights in the adverse health effects of beef and pork have lead to a revision of meat consumption recommendations. 从饮食的角度来看,牛肉和猪肉对健康有害的新见解已使肉类消费的推荐量得以修改。
- A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect. 食品中可能存在的影响人体健康的生物、化学、物理因素,或状况。
- The following substances (Table B3) have been shown to have the potential to cause adverse health effects or have the potential to generate hazardous waste. 下列物质(表B3)已经被表明有可能会对健康造成负面影响,或是有可能生成有害废料。
- The demand for decaffeinated coffee is growing globally because of the possible adverse health effects of caffeinated coffee. Caffeine can trigger palpitations and increase blood pressure in sensitive individuals. 由于加带咖啡因的咖啡对健康不利,全世界要求享用脱咖啡因咖啡的人日益增多。咖啡因可诱发敏感体质者心悸及血压增高。
- Although there has been controversy regarding the use of sweeteners due to allegations of adverse health effects, they are amongst the most extensively researched food substances in the world. 尽管有人认为甜味剂对健康有负面影响导致对甜味剂的使用有过许多争议,但它还是世界上研究最广泛的食物之一。
- Information about preventing adverse health effects from exposure to MDI is urgently needed by workers, employers, small business owners, and physicians and other health care providers. 目前劳工、雇主、中小企业雇主、医生及其他健康照护人员亟需防制MDI暴露所造成之负面健康效应的资讯。
- Passive Smoking and its Adverse Health Effects 二手烟对健康的不良影响
- Adverse health effects caused by dust haze-a review 灰霾的健康效应
- The adverse health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure 过量饮酒的不良作用是毫无疑问的。
- they represent a priority group in the assessment of the long term adverse health effects following dietary intake of PAH. 它们代表了我们在长期的评估优先群体健康的不利影响后,多环芳烃膳食摄入量。
- adverse health effects 健康危害
- What are the health effects of melamine consumptions in humans? 三聚氰胺对人体健康有什么影响?
- How are people protected from possible health effects of ELF EMF? l该如何预防极低频电磁场可能对健康造成的危害?
- Food containing calcium can invigorate health effectively. 含钙食品能促进体质。