- The adversative conjunction but. 反意连词但是
- Instead (alia, "but," a strong adversative conjunction) James suggested they draft a letter affirming an ethic which would not offend those steeped in the Old Testament. 然而(或作“但是”,这是个很强的转折词)雅各建议写信给外邦信徒,确立不会得罪深谙旧约教训的(犹太)人的伦理原则。
- the adversative conjunction Ibut . 反意连词I但是
- the adversative conjunction 'but' 转折连词 but
- Violence and captivity, methinks, are intimated in that adverse conjunction. 在我看来,那不吉祥的星宿际会暗示他们会碰到暴力和劫持。”
- We are working in conjunction with the police. 我们与警方配合进行工作。
- The word is a temporal conjunction. 该词是表示时间的连词。
- "When" is a temporal conjunction. "when"是一个时间连接词。
- The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. 暴风雨的同时发生引起了洪水泛滥。
- adversative conjunction 转折连词
- An unusual conjunction of circumstances led to the incident. 各种情况的偶然巧合导致了这件事的发生。
- The novel should be read in conjunction with the author's biography. 这本小说应该和作者传记一起读。
- The moon is in conjunction with the sun. 月亮与太阳处在合点。
- Expressing concession, as the conjunction though. 让步从句的表示让步的,如连词虽然
- A Comparative Study of the Synonym Group of Adversative Conjunctions in Morden Chinese 现代汉语转折连词组的同异研究
- Though is a concessive conjunction. though 是让步连接词。
- Because' is a causal conjunction. because一词是表示原因的连接词.
- Can you join two words with a conjunction? 你能以连接词连接两字吗?
- Venus and Saturn are in conjunction on July1. 在七月一号这一天金星和土星将会很近。
- Can be used in conjunction with modal verbs. 还可以搭配一些表示心理活动的动词。