- The regent carried out an advanced system in his country. 摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。
- Modern enterprise system is an advanced system. 现代企业制度是现代企业财产的组织形式,它是一种高级的企业制度,具备一套完整的制度体系。
- Main research works include: 1.Main memory database is development with object-oriented mode for advancing system’s respond speed and stability and modularize. 主要的研究工作包括: 1、为了提高系统的响应速度、稳定性以及功能的模块化,本文以面向对象的模式设计了内存数据库结构。
- Implement of materialized view is a key technology and efficient solution of advancing system response time.But the maintenance problem of materialized view is involved. 摘要实现实体化视图是提高系统响应时间的一个关键技术和有效的解决方案,在具体的实现过程中面临着实体化视图的维护问题。
- Israel has the most advanced system of waste water recycling. 以色列已朝废水再利用系统这方向进步。
- hydraulic pressure advancing system 液压提升系统
- Advanced system products, intense competition in the market mechanism, we come to the fore. 拥有先进的产品体系,在市场竞争激烈的机制中我们脱颖而出。
- A spherical system of a sort is tested by the advanced system and ZYGO interferometer repectively. 分析了光强畸变和移相误差对系统的测量误差的影响。
- ASME specification is an advanced system that is recognised by every country of the world in the area of boiler and pressure vessel cons- truction. ASME 规范是世界各国锅炉和压力容器领域所公认的先进规范体系。
- Our company has imported the most advanced system of color matching-CCM from Japan and are able to do the ordinary color matching . 本公司引进目前领先的日本CCM全套配色系统,进行日常颜色处理,同时由经验丰富的配色技师负责制做,以本公司长年的技术积累作底蕴,为客户配制出准确的颜色。
- This Science Policy Briefing is the contribution of the ESF to the EC funded Specific Support Action entitled "Advancing Systems Biology for Medical Applications" (SSA LSSG-CT-2006-037673). 这次科学政策简况介绍会是欧洲科学基金会对特别支持计划“促进系统生物学医学应用”建立的EC的一个补充。
- To optimize the design of lenticular stereoscopic LCD,the optical software ASAP(Advanced System Analysis Program)is used to model and simulate. 为优化透镜式立体液晶显示器的设计,通过ASAP光学软件对系统进行建模仿真。
- Advanced System Information and System Configuration Utility provide technical details that support professionals can use to help solve problems. 高级系统信息和系统配置实用工具提供了技术细节,支持专家可以用来帮助解决问题。
- The troops fired at the advancing enemy. 部队向进攻的敌人开火。
- We have introduced the very advanced system CAD/CAM/CAE into our company for affording more wonderful service to our partner. 南京德缘科技有限公司是一家专业致力于特种工程塑料及模塑行业高新技术和产品的开发设计、销售推广的企业。
- Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。
- They were advancing due west into the desert. 他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- They machine-gunned the advancing troops. 他们用机枪扫射进攻的敌军。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。