- advanced training machine 高级教练机
- Besides, the Center provides advanced training to pattern makers of Stoll machine customers in China and contributes to enhance considerably the productivity of their manufacture. 我们在全球范围内通过我们客户的工程师以及全体员工的自我拓展与成就来推动和促进公司的文化。
- It is disposed the instep training machine ,remote control hook foot machine and sensing digital display system . 同时该产品针对舞蹈专业者的年龄跨度大,技术成熟成度深浅的不同进行了人性化的调整,试用于儿童岁到成年人的训练。
- The e-learning system offers basic and advanced training for specific topics at low cost. 在线学习系统以较低的成本针对专门话题提供基本的先进培训。
- Chino, T., Hata, H., Arai, K., and Ito, M., “Step-type training machine and control method,” United States Patent 5,308,300, 1991. 白雪锦,“可调式阻尼器之爬山、攀登模拟机”,中华民国专利新型第三零八零七三号,民国八十六年。
- Advanced training programs available for those who demonstrate outstanding ability. 什么样的人做的很好?
- Intensify the analysis and study of the training information, promote the development of the advanced training theory and techniques. 加强有关训练信息情报的分析和研究,加强对先进训练理论和技术项目的研发。
- The pediatric registered nurses have advanced training in the care of acutely ill children. 在职的儿科护士都受过高级培训,可以护理好重症儿童。
- Company now has injected vulcanizer, flat vulcanizing machine, extrusion machine, circle cutting machine, open training machine, mixer, such as processing equipment. 公司现具有注射硫化机,平板硫化机,挤出机,切圈机,开练机,密炼机等加工设备。
- FGC offers a competitive salary,nice working environment and opportunity for advanced training in the US. FGC将为你提供可观的薪金待遇、良好的工作环境及到美国培训的机会。
- Squats are an example of a closed-chain kinetic exercise whereas quadriceps extension exercises on a weight training machine are an open-chain exercise. 闭链运动的练习如下蹲,而在一个重量训练机上做延长股四头肌锻炼是一个开放链运动。
- In more advanced training saying YES allows me mark from a greater distance from my dog than I could use a clicker. 在许多高级训练中,我可以在远离狗的情况下说“YES”标记动作,用响片则不行。
- Now, lets look into some more advanced training tips, and how to gurantee success on the training ground. 现在,让我们来看一些更多的训练指南,以及如何在训练上取得成功的诀窍。
- Advanced training colleges should attach importance t o both extensive e xpansion and connotive development. 高职高专院校既要重视外延扩张,更要重视内涵发展,重视人才培养质量。
- Intensify the analysis and study of the training information,promote the development of the advanced training theory and techniques. 加强有关训练信息情报的分析和研究,加强对先进训练理论和技术项目的研发。
- Jeff: There are quite a lot of fitness equipment of family use: fit-ness cycle,running machine,climbing stairs machine,skiing machine,rowing boat machine and all-around physical ability training machine. 杰夫:家庭用的健身器种类还真不少:健身车、跑步机;爬梯器、 滑雪器、划船器、全能体能训练器等。
- Introduce advanced training methods,means,facilities and equipment from other parts of the country and other countries according to plan. 按照计划引进国内外先进的训练方法、手段、设施和设备。
- Jeff: There are quite a lot of fitness equipment of family use: fit- ness cycle, running machine, climbing stairs machine, skiing ma- chine, rowing boat machine and aU-around physical ability training machine. 杰夫:家庭用的健身器种类还真不少:健身车、跑步机; 爬梯器、 滑雪器、划船器、全能体能训练器等。
- High-level start in lifelong education, diversification in advanced training programs, and standardization in education and training projects. 终身教育高端化,高端培训综合化,培训教育规范化。
- Introduce advanced training methods, means, facilities and equipment from other parts of the country and other countries according to plan. 有目地的引进国内外先进的训练方法、手段、设施和设备。