- Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of30 anniversaries in last week. 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。
- Furthermore, this befits the status of an advanced nation, something we are aiming to achieve in the next century. 而且能够做到这地步的话,也将会帮助我们在新世纪内。
- Free markets helped South Korea make itself one of the most technologically advanced nations on Earth. 市场自由帮助南韩使的成为世界上技术最先进的国家。
- In the industrially advanced nations, more than twenty million people are jobless. 在工业发达的国家,两千多万人没有工作。
- Furthermore,this befits the status of an advanced nation,something we are aiming to achieve in the next century. 而且,能够做到这地步的话,也将会帮助我们在新世纪内。
- Remote-field eddy current-based non-destructive inspection technology has been widely used in advanced nations with significant effectiveness. 远场涡流检测技术在国外发达国家中已充分应用于现场,且收效显著。
- Furthermore , this befits the status of an advanced nation, something we are aiming to achieve in the next century. 而且能够做到这地步的话,也将会帮助我们在新世纪内。
- Singapore,the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation,celebrated the nation independent of 30 anniversaries in last week. 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。
- Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of 30 anniversaries in last week . 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。
- While economic development for eliminating poverty was the top priority in the past, rooting out corruption has become a prerequisite for joining the ranks of advanced nations. 过去,一个国家要透过发展经济,消灭贫穷,才可跻身先进国家之列;到了现在,肃贪倡廉已成为必要的先决条件。
- Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of 30 anniversaries in last week. 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。
- China was the most technologically advanced nation in the world then, so the wall was also the most sophisticated in structure. 在当时,中国技术在世界上处于领先地位,因此明长城的结构也是最复杂的。
- It was an entirely preventable death caused, let's be frank, by some of the Stone Age superstition that stalks the richest and most technologically advanced nation on earth. 小女孩的死亡是完全可以避免的。说句实话,这次死亡事件是石器时代的迷信造成的。这种迷信正在地球上这个最富有、技术最发达的国家蔓延。
- Sign of Hong Kong wholesome office grows Lin Bingen to say, advanced nation posture compares the incidence of a disease of Hong Kong tuberculosis and west, tower above 10 times. 据晓,世界每年约有800万宗新患结核病个案,当中约200万人灭亡。中华人民共和国香港以前数拾年一直应用"全督办医治"的办法医治结核病。在"全督办医治"的历程中,医护成员督办病号依时服药。
- A special message to congress on January 31,1908, sounded the keynote of a campaign for advanced national legislation. 1908年1月31日他给国会的特别咨文,赋有争先进的全国立法运动的基调。
- In order to allow freedom of trade to operate naturally,the less advanced nations must first be raised by artificial measures to that stage of cultivation to which the English nation has been artificially elevated. 为了使自由贸易能够获得自然的推行,必须首先用人为方法,把那些比较落后的国家提高到曾经用人为方法使英国达到了的那个文化阶段。
- A special message to congress on January 31, 1908, sounded the keynote of a campaign for advanced national legislation. 1908年1月31日他给国会的特别咨文,赋有争先进的全国立法运动的基调。
- His father who had begun life as an advanced Nationalist, had modified his views early. 他父亲年轻时,起先是个激进的民族主义者,但不久便改变观点。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- Successful students may go on to do further studies such as Advanced National Certificate Level 3 floristry, or enter employment in the industry. 优秀学生可以继续学习三级高级国家证书或者参加工作。