- For the first time, a standard CMOS technology can offer gain, bandwidth, and power performances comparable to advanced compound semiconductor technologies (SiGe, GaAs, InP). 第一次利用CMOS技术所设计的宽频放大器可达到增益、频宽、输出功率可以与高阶的化合物半导体技术(矽化锗、砷化镓、磷化铟)。
- An idiographic process flow which only needs adding two lithography steps and four implantations in the standard CMOS technology is given. 提出了具体的工艺制作流程-在标准工艺的基础上添加两次光刻和四次离子注入工程,并成功进行了流片试验。
- In a TSMC 0.25- m CMOS technology, the transmitter circuit operates at 2.5 Gbps on a 2.5V power supply and occupies an area of 1.348*0.986mm2 . 使得晶片内部的逻辑闸及连结外部的输入/输出介面间的频宽差距到达严重的比例。
- Broadband cascaded multi-stage distributed amplifier (CMSDA) is proposed and implemented in a standard-bulk 90nm CMOS technology. 宽频串接多级分布式放大器被提出并实现于90奈米CMOS制程。
- Behzad Razavi "Prospects of CMOS Technology for High - Speed Optical Communication Circuits" IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLIDSTATE CIRCUITS, 2002,37(9). 谢嘉奎;宣月清;冯军.;线性部分
- The developed application specific (ASICs) and very-large-scale-integrated (VLSI) IC prototypes are fabricated and validated in advanced submicron CMOS technologies. 而开发的专用集成电路和超大规模集成电路原型,将会采用前沿的深亚微米CMOS技术制造及作其后测试验证。
- This circuit is developed in UMC 0.25 standard CMOS technology and at 2.5-V supply voltage with power consumption 10.8mw. 该电路采用2.;5V单电源供电,UMC 0
- Based on SMIC 0.18um CMOS technology, 400MHz clock frequency is achieved and the data throughput rate is 51.2 Gbps with the area cost of 164 K-gates. 基于SIMC 0.;18um标准CMOS工艺进行综合,AES IP核的规模为164Kgates,最高时钟可达400Mhz,吞吐率可达到51
- Due to the downscaling of device dimensions in CMOS technology, the metal gate electrodes will be required to replace conventional Poly-silicon gate. 摘要传统多晶硅栅已不能适应CMOS器件尺寸进一步减小的要求,因此需要金属栅极材料来取代多晶硅。
- This fully integrated transceiver is fabricated by 0.35mm SPTM CMOS technology, 1.92 square millimeters in area and 900mW at the highest baud rate data pattern is achieved. 实验芯片采用0.;35mm SPTM CMOS工艺;芯片面积为1
- More than 15 years in technology development, above 10 years working experiences in semiconductor CMOS technology, and better with more than 2 years experience as R &D VP. 15年技术开发经验,10年以上CMOS技术开发经验,2年以上研发副总领导经验。
- In recent years, the RF CMOS technology becomes mature with scaling down size of MOSFET, such that the fT in MOSFET is comparable to that in GaAs technology. 在最近几年,由于电晶体之大小比例缩小使得CMOS的射频效能提升且制程技术渐趋发展成熟,而其单位电流增益频率提升到已经能与砷化镓制程相比较之等级。
- Based on the ISFET structure and electronic characteristics, a method integrating the ISFET and signal process circuit realized in an standard CMOS technology are presented. 摘要在对离子敏场效应晶体管(ISFET)基本结构及电学特性分析的基础上,提出了一种基于CMOS技术实现ISFET与信号处理电路集成化的设计方法。
- High leakage current in deep sub-micron regimes is a significant contributor to the power dissipation of CMOS circuits as the CMOS technology scales down. 摘要随着CMOS工艺的进一步发展,漏电流在深亚微米CMOS电路的功耗中变得越来越重要。
- In addition, the development of CMOS technology, including the smaller feature size and lower power supply, brings new obstacles to design the circuits of pipelined ADCs. CMOS工艺的飞速发展,使特征尺寸不断减小和电源电压不断降低,同时也对流水线ADC的电路结构设计提出了许多新的课题。
- Based on the switch control voltage boost principle, novel DC-DC converters are designed using CMOS technology, achieving high stability low power consumption a. 本文基于开关控制升压原理,采用CMOS工艺,设计研制出一种高稳定性,低功耗,轻载时具有较高转换效率的新型低压直流转换电路。
- Applicants for PDF position should have phd degree in CMOS technology related fields and have working experience in wafer fabrication at least for a year. 这个实验室具有世界一流的技术设备及人员;相信对申请成功的人是一个很好的发展机遇.
- The CMOS technology is the most promising technology for efficient VLSI implementation of a UWB transceiver because of its low cost, low power consumption, and high system level integration. 在低成本、低必v消耗以及高系统整合的优势之下,使用CMOS制程来实现超宽频接收机为最佳的选择。
- For millimeter-wave applications, transmission lines in CMOS technology are also discussed and utilized to build two successful circuits in thin-film microstrip line and coplanar waveguides. 另外,于毫米波频段的应用中,我们也讨论在CMOS制程上所实现传输线结构,并使用薄膜微带线与共面波导成功设计出两个电路。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。