- advance payment of bond 债券提前偿还
- I have read and will comply with the above conditions and regulations. I also take full responsibility for advance payment of the bus fees. 我已经阅读并承认遵守上述的规章和条款。我同样愿意支付所有的校车费用。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import& export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、口杂费、税代垫、口退税服务。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import &export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、港口杂费、关税代垫、出口退税服务。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那笔意外的收入用於偿付抵押。
- In addition to the superficial reason of the demanded advance payment of NT$8,000 by the doctor of the clinic in Fonglin township, Hualien, there were a lot of unmentioned problems behind the event. 一摊血事件除了表面上的所谓保证金外,尚有许多未被人提出讨论的问题,例如后续的医疗费用可能高到无法负担、病人已被抬了八小时(延迟就医八小时?)
- Semiannual payment of bond interest 支付半年一次的债券利息。
- The payment of the goods is payable in instalments. 货款可以分期支付。
- I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一笔预付款。
- I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods. 我以为你可用支票提款支付购物费用。
- He made a down payment of $100,000 for the house. 他买这房子第一期付款十万元。
- The salesmen is claiming for back payment of unpaid commission. 销售人员正在提出索取尚未支付的佣金的要求。
- The suppler would deliver products after receiving the total payment of bonder agent. 需方将结合剂货款100%25支付供方后,供方安排发货。
- Advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary 汇兑支出
- advance payment of warship building 舰船建造预付款
- Paid face amount of bond at maturity. 在到期日支付债券面值。
- Advance Payment of Mileage Authorized 准予预支里程费
- Coordination development of bond market II. 债券市场的协调发展2。
- Tickets are issued only against payment of the full fee. 只有付讫全费才可将票发出。
- Most tour companies insist on advance payment when a booking is made. 绝大多数旅游公司要求在订票时预先付款。