- Autumn tea pillows were proved to have better adsorptive effect than spring tea pillows. 秋茶枕由于叶间疏松,相对于春茶枕具有更好的吸附效果。
- This article mainly studied adsorptive characteristics of pigments of alcohol wastewater by kinds of macroporous resin.We got one of those having good adsorptive effect. 本文主要探讨了不同型号的大孔树脂对酒精废液中色素物的吸附特性,筛选出吸附效果好的大孔树脂。
- The adsorptive effect for LDL was checked after introducing carboxylic groups to the macromoleculer chain of polyacrylamide, which possessed good bioaffinity and hydrophilic properties. 文中首先通过水溶液聚合合成丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸钠的共聚物。
- The adsorption effect of lead ions on chitosan was investigated. 对壳聚糖对Pb2+吸附作用进行了探讨。
- In this paper,the adsorption effect of Zn~(2+) by three clay minerals,i. e. 探讨了在不同矿物投加量、不同振荡时间、不同Zn2+浓度、不同矿物颗粒细度和不同pH条件下,钠基膨润土、膨胀蛭石和沸石三种粘土矿物对Zn2+的吸附效果,并比较了三种粘土矿物对Zn2+的吸附差异性。
- Static adsorption showed that the adsorption effect was related to reaction temperature. 静态吸附结果表明,反应温度对纤维的吸附效果有影响。
- Lay it near pollution source for better adsorption effect, such as drawer of furniture, inside cases. 放在污染源附近,吸附效果更佳,如家具的抽屉、柜子里面。
- Finally,by the orthogonal experiments,it was confirmed that the major reasons affecting the adsorption effect. 通过正交实验,确定出影响吸附效果的主要因素。
- According to the adsorption effect,nano-size Ag_3Sn particles formed on the IMC surface. 由于吸附作用;金属间化合物表面形成了纳米级的Ag3Sn颗粒.
- It is shown that organobentonites have good adsorption effect on the COD in sewage. 结果表明:在试验条件下,有机膨润土对COD 有很好的吸附效果。
- Result shows that the adsorption effect of PAC reduces the membrane fouling caused by EPS. 研究结果表明:投加PAC的吸附作用减少了由于胞外聚合物(EPS)而引起的膜污染;
- By comparison, hydrated lime has better adsorption effect than rectorite in the same condition. 比较而言,同样条件下,焙烧石灰石吸附效果优于累托石。
- The results indicate that, peat has good adsorption effect on Cu~(2+) and the modified peat has better adsorption effect. 结果表明 ,泥炭对Cu2 + 有较好的吸附效果 ,改性泥炭对Cu2 +的吸附比天然泥炭效果更好。
- The experiment results show that this process has the advantage of fast adsoption,good adsorption effect and low operation cost. 试验表明,用废炭黑吸附处理二苯胺生产废水具有吸附速度快、吸附效果好,处理费用低等优点。
- The experiment results showed that it has good adsorption effect to heavy metal such as Cu~(2+) , Zn~(2+) and Pb~(2+) by tourmaline. 试验结果表明,电气石对水中的Cu~(2+)、pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)等重金属离子有良好的吸附效果。
- The surface of particles was charged by adsorption effect and so the electric barriers against the aggregation between particles were established. 同时,吸附作用又会使粒子表面带电,产生团聚电垒。
- The adsorption effect was closely related to particle size and quantity of bamboo carbon used,concentration of pollutants,and duration and pattern of equilibration. 结果表明 ,竹炭对 2 ,4-二氯苯酚具有较强的吸附性能 ,吸附效果与竹炭粒径、用量、污染物浓度以及吸附平衡时间和平衡方式有关。
- Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。
- It's certain that every effect must have a cause. 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
- That measure will be carried into effect very soon. 这项措施将在最近付诸实施。