- In the overall administrative reform, Executive Council will also be changed. 在整个政制改革当中,行政会议成员亦大换班。
- The nature of administrative reform is a kind of compulsory system change. 摘要行政改革本质是一种强制性的制度变迁。
- Public service marketization is an important tendency of our administrative reformation. 摘要公共服务市场化是我国行政改革的一个重要趋势。
- The moral regression of administrative staff has already become the in evitable trend of the administrative reformation all over the world. 行政人员的道德回归已经成为世界各国行政改革的必然趋势。
- Administrative Reform In The United States: Is Reinvention Still Relevant And Does It Help Or Hurt? 美国行政改革:政府再造是否仍具意义?是助益抑或是伤害?
- Subject Two: Administrative Reform in the United States: Is Reinvention Still Relevant and Does It Help or Hurt? 主題二:美國行政改革:政府再造是否仍具意義?是助益抑或是傷害?
- However, we must recognize clearly the resistance in the law implement and its inhere defectiveness in public security administrative reform. 但是,《行政许可法》在贯彻实施中遇到的阻力和其本身的固有缺陷是我们在公安行政改革中必须清醒认识的。
- Dewey concentrated on administrative reform, cataloging, improving reference services, and expanding interlibrary loan facilities. 杜威将注意力集中于行政管理改革、编目、改进参考服务和扩充馆际互借设施。
- This article intends to reanalyze the obstacle and incentive of the administrative reform in the new way of system. analysis. 介绍了新制度经济学说的几个核心概念和理论;
- The paper further forwards that e-governance is an administrative reform and an information restructuring based on management reprocess. 论文在综观全文的基础上进一步指出,电子政务是一场政务改革,是围绕管理流程重组而进行的信息结构重组;
- The retirement age will be raised.Hospital charges will increase.A big administrative reform will halve the number of elected departmental and regional representatives. 退休年龄会延长,医院收费也会增加,一个大的行政改革将会削减半数部门和地区代表的数目。
- The ideal of contemporary administrative reformation is equality, democracy, communitarianism and cooperation, which construct a new mode of public administration. 当代行政改革倡导公平、民主、社区主义和合作的理念,形成了新的公共管理模式。
- Recently, the Royal Government of Cambodia has made the Strategic Planning of Administrative Reforms. 当前,柬埔寨王国政府和教育、青年与体育部已拟定行政战略改革计划。
- To promote administrative reform at employment places for disabled workers including workshops and sheltered work institutions, support for training and management will be provided. 为了促进残疾人士雇佣场所包括车间和工作机构的行政管理改革,政府将提供相关的训练和管理。
- In 1998, with the pressure of International Monetary Fund, In order to overcome the financial crisis, Kim Dae-jung government adopted a series of comprehensive administrative reform in Korea. 1998年,在国际货币基金组织的强大压力下,为迅速克服金融危机,韩国金大中政府在公共行政领域进行了大刀阔斧的综合性改革。
- Along with globalization expediting, reforms of merit system and administrative reforms of the Countries in the world process gradually. 随着经济全球化的加快,世界各国的行政改革和公务员制度的改革浪潮蜂起迭涌。
- The construction of service oriented government is an importand task of administrative reform and innovation,requiring not only system innovations but also the construction in ethics. 服务型政府建设是中国政府改革和创新的重要内容,它不仅需要进行制度创新,而且需要进行伦理构建。
- Since the 1980s, the western countries have been putting forward the idea and mode of administrative reform of governance in an effort to correct the ineffectiveness of market and government. 2 0世纪80年代以来,西方国家在对市场失灵与政府失灵进行纠错的基础上,提出了治理的行政改革理念和模式。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- Enterprising and ambitious, Premier Hau will actively combat the crime problem that has been disrupting the lives of citizens and speed up political and administrative reforms. 具有强烈企图心,郝院长将积极整顿目前影响国人民生至钜的社会治安,并促使政治革新、行政革新加速进行。