- The reform of rural taxes and administrative charges is a fundamental way of reducing the burden on farmers. 农村税费改革是减轻农民负担的治本之策。
- Third,we carried out experimental reforms of taxes and administrative charges in rural areas. 三是进行农村税费改革试点。
- Third, we carried out experimental reforms of taxes and administrative charges in rural areas. 三是进行农村税费改革试点。
- Establishing the System of Statistics Reports on Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations. 四、建立行政性收费和罚没收入统计报表制度。
- Reform of taxes and administrative charges is one of the focuses of our work in this year's government report. 税费改革是今年的政府工作报告中明确提到的工作重点之一。
- Deepening the reform of rural taxes and administrative charges and the reform of the grain and cotton distribution systems. 深化农村税费改革和粮棉流通体制改革。
- Pilot projects to improve the social security system in urban areas and to replace administrative charges with taxes in rural areas progressed smoothly. 完善城镇社会保障体系和农村税费改革试点进展顺利。
- Second, deepening the reform of rural taxes and administrative charges and the reform of the grain and cotton distribution systems. 二是深化农村税费改革和粮棉流通体制改革。
- Having consulted the Secretary for the Civil Service, SPEL had directed Dr Choi to repay the cost of the staff time in conducting the estimation work, plus administrative charges. 规划环境地政局局长在谘询公务员事务局局长后,已指令蔡宇略交还员工为进行这项估价付出时间所牵涉的费用及行政费。
- They must further take effective measures to implement the regulations on separately managing the receipts and expenditures of administrative charges and incomes from imposition of fines and confiscation. 进一步采取有力措施,认真落实行政性收费和罚没收入"收支两条线"的规定。
- Rural areas that have not yet begun reforming their taxes and administrative charges should strictly follow the relevant regulations of the Central Government in continuing to reduce the burden on farmers. 尚未进行农村税费改革的地方,要严格执行中央有关规定,继续做好减轻农民负担的各项工作。
- Secondly, favorable policies have been granted for attracting high-quality personnel. For example, personnel with senior technical titles or doctorates and their spouses may be exempted from administrative charges for their permanent residence rights. 二是鼓励企业吸收高素质人才,市政府规定调入深圳的“双高”人才(博士学位及高级职称者)及其配偶免征城市基础设施增容费。
- While continuing to deepen various reforms in rural areas,we should extend the experiment with rural taxes and administrative charges to all parts of the country on the basis of well summed up experience and improved policies. 继续深化农村各项改革。农村税费改革试点在总结经验、完善政策的基础上,在全国范围内推开。
- Favorable policies have been granted for attracting high-quality personnel. For example,personnel with senior technical titles or doctorates and their spouses may be exempted from administrative charges for their permanent residence rights. 鼓励企业吸收高素质人才,市政府规定调入深圳的“双高”人才(博士学位及高级职称者)及其配偶免征城市基础设施增容费。
- While continuing to deepen various reforms in rural areas, we should extend the experiment with rural taxes and administrative charges to all parts of the country on the basis of well summed up experience and improved policies. 继续深化农村各项改革。农村税费改革试点在总结经验、完善政策的基础上,在全国范围内推开。
- But in our current revenue pattern, as the normal way of the existence of the tax "absent from their duties" but administrative charges is an abnormal existence, and costs more than the tax, which has aroused widespread concern. 但在我国目前的政府收入格局中,作为正常途径的税收存在“缺位”,而非正常的行政性收费却大量存在,而且费大于税,这引起了社会的广泛关注。
- Improving the Work for Handing over Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations to the State Treasure and to the Special Account for Non-budgetary Financial Funds. 三、加强行政性收费和罚没收入上缴国库或财政预算外资金专户的工作。
- Without authorization no department or unit may work out projects for administrative charges and heighten charging standards. 任何部门和单位不得擅自设立收费项目和提高收费标准。
- He always charges me too much for his goods. 他总是向我索取过高的货价。
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。