- The Victorian Government does not participate in the Migration Review Tribunal appeals process. 州政府不参与移民门户网站>移民复审庭的上诉程序。
- The DOC of the U.S.A. Initiated the fifth administrative review against garlic from China. 美国商务部对原产于中国的大蒜发起第五次行政复审。
- Systems of administrative review and administrative compensation and reparation will be improved. 健全行政复议体制,完善行政补偿和行政赔偿制度。
- The fundamental reason for these problems lies in the insufficiency of the theory on administrative review of normative documents. 其根本原因在于,规范性文件行政复议的理论困乏。
- The system of administrative review of normative documents is established by Article7 of the Law on Administrative Review. 行政复议法第7条确立了规范性文件行政复议制度。
- Raymond R. Krause, Minnesota's OAH: 30 Years of Innovation in Administrative review, . oah. state. mn. us/news/Bench-BarMN-Feb06. htm. 如南加利福尼亚最高法院还判决对州矫正部的监狱申诉案件的上诉也可以交给听证办公室审理。
- If the applicant or third party cancels or alters the entrustment, the public security administrative review agency shall be notified in written form. 申请人、第三人解除或者变更委托的,应当书面通知公安行政复议机构。
- By contrast, Chinese administrative review system is in its initial period, which lacks of systematicness and needs improvement. 相比之下,我国的行政复审则处于起步阶段,缺乏体系,有待完善。
- To act as agent with authorization of client of administrative case to participate in administrative review or litigation. 接受行政案件当事人的委托,担任代理人,参加行政复议或行政诉讼。
- When the CAAC makes a decision on disapproval, it shall give reasons, and notify the applicant of the right to apply for administrative review or lodge an administrative lawsuit. 民航总局作出不许可的决定时,应当说明理由,并告知该申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。
- The implementation of the administrative review of staff qualifications and training management system, system of accountability for administrative reconsideration. 落实行政复议工作人员资格管理和培训制度、行政复议责任追究制度。
- Still, weprobe into legal remedy in case of the counterpart's discontentment with socialcompensation fee: administrative review, administrative litigation andadministrative compensation. 最后,对于公民不服社会抚养费征收所涉及的行政复议、政诉讼和行政赔偿等法律救济问题作了相应的探讨。
- Still, weprobe into legal remedy in case of the counterpart's discontentment with socialcompensation fee : administrative review, administrative litigation andadministrative compensation. 最后,对于公民不服社会抚养费征收所涉及的行政复议、行政诉讼和行政赔偿等法律救济问题作了相应的探讨。
- On 14 Nov 2002, US-DOC issued the Final Determination of 1999-2000 Administrative Review of non-frozen AJC from China in Federal Register, ten Chinese exporters/manufacturers are applied zero margin. 2002年11月14日,美国商务部在联邦公报上宣布:十家中国浓缩苹果汁应诉企业在第一次年度复审终裁中获得零税率。
- S. practice of zeroing in administrative reviews is contrary to the WTO Antidumping Agreement. 世贸组织在2007年裁定美国在行政审查中使用归零法这一做法违背了世贸组织反补贴协定。
- Charles, F. Lindblom, 1959, the Science of “muddling through,” 1959年,Public Administration Review,19:79-88. 潮洛蒙,2003,北京湿地变迁研究,北京大学博士生论文。
- Behn, R. B. (1995), "The Big Questions of Public Management," Public Administration Review,55, July/Aug., pp.314-324. 顾忠华(1993)。法制与信任-一个法律社会学的探讨。中国比较法学报,第十四期,第203-233页。
- The WTO Appellate Body has ruled, repeatedly, that zeroing is not permissible, whether for original investigations or for administrative reviews. 世贸组织上诉机构多次裁定无论是在调查还是在年审中,都不允许使用零合法。
- Sergio Fernandez & Hal G. Rainey (2006), Managing Successful Organizational Change in the Public Sector, Public Administration Review, 168-173. 组织变迁的研究,94年度人事行政研究发展作品。
- Waddingham told reporters visiting Guantanamo that preparations were being made for the Combatant Status Review Tribunal 战争状况评论法庭