- The color of unilocular adipose tissue varies from white to dark yellow. 单房性脂肪组织的颜色从白色到暗黄色不等。
- The fat found in adipose tissue. 动物性脂肪于脂肪组织中发现的脂肪
- Adipose tissue aggregate of fat cells. 脂肪组织有大量的脂肪细胞聚集而成。
- Brown adipose tissue is sometimes mistaken for a type of gland, which it resembles more than white adipose tissue. 棕色脂肪组织有时候会被误认为是腺体的一种,它与腺体的相似程度比白色脂肪组织高。
- White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. 白色脂肪是可以储存食物中过剩能量的不稳定组织。
- Objective In order to explore effect on the expression of hormone-sensitive lipase(HSL)gene in white adipose tissue. 目的探讨高脂饮食对白色脂肪激素敏感脂肪酶基因表达的影响。
- Adipose tissue as seen in a regular histological section. 组织切片可见脂肪组织。
- The hilum at the mid left contains some adipose tissue. 在左侧中央肾门处包含了一些脂肪组织。
- Identification of Hemangioblasts in the Adult Human Adipose Tissue. 人脂肪组织来源的造血干细胞?.
- Adipose tissue cells are mixed with the parathyroid tissue. 脂肪细胞与甲状旁腺组织混在一起。
- Myelolipoma (two cases) was rich in adipose tissue, low density. 髓质脂肪瘤2例,富含脂肪组织,故密度低。
- Their wet weight of white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) was compared at the 7th, 14th and 24th days after birth. 比较出生后 7、14和 2 4d小鼠的腹股沟白色脂肪(WAT)和背肩岬的褐色脂肪 (BAT)湿重。
- Brown tissue helps to regulate body temperature by generating heat. In contrast, white adipose tissue stores energy. Obese people have too much of the white tissue. 褐色组织通过生成热量帮助调节体温。相比之下,白色脂肪组织存储能量。肥胖症患者有过多的白色脂肪组织。
- Moreover, insulin via control of the autonomous nervous system controls lipogenesis in white adipose tissue, activation of UCP-1 in brown adipose tissue and blood pressure. 而且,胰岛素通过控制自主神经系统调节白色脂肪组织的脂肪的形成,激活棕色脂肪组织的解偶联蛋白UCP-1和调控血压。
- Blood sugar may be converted to and stored as fat in the adipose tissue. 可转换为血糖及脂肪储存在脂肪组织。
- By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat. 正好相反,棕色脂肪组织通过消耗能量而产生体热。
- Adiponectin(APN)is a circulation hormone mainly secreted by white adipose tissue,and plays an important role in anti-inflammation and regulation of the metabolism of glucose and lipoids. 脂联素(APN)是白色脂肪等组织分泌的一种循环激素,在调节糖、脂代谢和抗炎中起重要作用。
- Note the overlying skin and adipose tissue at the upper left with the chest wall below the implant and to the right. 值得注意的是左上方是叠压的皮肤与脂肪组织,在植入物之下靠右边的是胸壁。
- Finally, the inability of adipose tissue to pick up blue dye means nodal hot spots may be missed by planar imaging. 最终,脂肪组织对于吸收蓝色染料的无能,意味着淋巴结的热点可能被平面显像错失。
- Adipose tissue triacylglycerols are the quantitatively most important source of stored energy in animals. 动物脂肪组织中的甘油三酯在数量上是最重要的储存能源。