- adherence of nappe 贴附水舌
- An advocate or adherent of fascism. 法西斯主义者法西斯主义的提倡者和支持者
- An adherent of the doctrine of illusionism. 物质世界幻觉论者相信物质世界幻觉论的信徒
- An ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion. 信徒热情的或狂热的宗教追随者
- An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture. 犹太人在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的拥护者
- GSTT inhibited the adherence of MNC and PMN to CMEC. GSTT可抑制CMEC 与PMN及MNC的粘附。
- An adherent of anarchy or a leader practicing it. 无政府主义者无政府主义的信徒或领袖
- An adherent of the teachings of Confucius. 孔子的门徒孔子儒教的追随者
- A member or an adherent of a Presbyterian Church. 长老会教徒,长老会教义支持者
- An adherent of Unitarian Universalism. 基督教唯一神教派的教徒
- The existent state of diabase was strudied with magnetic anomalies,and the existence of nappe was confirmed. 利用磁异常研究辉绿岩体的赋存状态,肯定了推覆体的存在;
- The formation of nappe is related to the tectonic movement of circum-Pacific continental active belt. 推覆构造的形成与濒太平洋大陆边缘活动带剧烈运动有关。
- He is a pious adherent of Buddhism. 他是一位虔诚的佛教徒。
- He's a pious adherent of Buddhism. 他是一位虔诚的佛教徒。
- The dip of the minimum reflectance (R_c) in the allochthon turns from NNW to WNW, indicating the state of stresses in the frontal zone of nappe. 外来系统中最小反射率的倾向由北北西转至北西西,代表推覆体前锋带的应力状态;
- A believer in or adherent of Islam. 穆斯林伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者
- The quality of seismic data acquired from the south side of nappe structure in Micang-Daba mountain central orogenic belt is well improved. 改善了米苍-大巴山中央造山带推覆构造南沿的地震资料品质,发现和落实了一批构造和岩性圈闭;
- But to the region of nappe structure, by the reason of rising reverse fault top wall, so we just can calculate the fault geometry under the footwall breakpoint. 而对于逆断层因其上盘的上升过程,使得推算的断层只能获取下盘断点以下的构造形态。
- To explore the improved preparation of protoporphyrin disodium, observe the cytotoxicity of Napp in vitro and its inhibitory effect on HCV subgenomic replicon cell model. 目的本研究对原卟啉钠的制备方法进行了改进,以期简化其生产流程。