- Added entire Additional Parameters section. 添加了整个“其他参数”部分。
- The code can also be added to a trigger on a table at the Publisher; the code is similar, but the call to sp_check_for_sync_trigger includes an additional parameter. 还可以将该代码添加到发布服务器的某一表中的触发器,虽然该代码相同,但是将调用包含一个附加参数的sp_check_for_sync_trigger。
- A modifier may accept additional parameters that affect its behavior. 变量调节器由赋予的参数值决定其行为。
- No parameters will be considered; all users are sent the same page no matter what additional parameters are supplied. 时,将不考虑任何参数;无论提供什么附加参数,都将向所有用户发送相同的页。
- After upgrading, additional parameters might be returned for parameters that you thought were single-valued. 升级之后,对于您认为是单值的参数,可能会为其返回其他参数。
- This plugin basically aliases one of the built-in PHP functions. It does not have any additional parameters. 这个插件主要目的是用另一个名字替换一个内置PHP函数的名字。他没有任何多余的参数。
- Be aware that after you upgrade, additional parameters might be returned for parameters that you thought were single-valued. 请注意,升级之后,对于您认为是单值的参数,可能会返回其他参数。
- You may specify additional parameters inside the component template, but parameters in the component class take precendence. 我们可以在组件模板中指定其他的参数,但是组件类里的参数优先。
- Gets a list of additional parameters from HTTP GET and POST requests by which caching is varied for the Web page to which this derived page adapter is attached. 从HTTP GET和POST请求获得其他参数的列表,对于已附加此派生的页面适配器的网页,高速缓存将随这些参数而改变。
- Additional parameters are found to influence the mechanical properties: (1) The existence of a PS-b-PB backbone and (2) The molecular weight of the branches. 其它影响力学性能的参数包括:(1)PS-B-PB主链的存在; (2)支链的分子量。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- We call -a the additive inverse of a. 我们称-a为a的加性逆元素。
- Nitrite is used as a food additive. 亚硝酸盐被用作一种食物的附加剂。
- This pigment is a good common food additive. 该色素是稳定性好的食品添加剂。
- We can use the additive property of the integral. 我们可利用积分的可加性。
- While a few service providers do implement locale-aware operations by accepting localization information via additional parameters, internationalizing Web services in this ad-hoc manner is costly and error-prone. 尽管有少数服务提供者通过附加参数接受本地化信息实现了可区分地区的操作,但这种方式国际化Web服务代价很高并且容易出错。
- We call O the additive identity. 我们称O为加性单位元素。
- Additive was an important for compound fertilizer. 添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。
- Set this parameter to high value e.g. 2000. 设置这个参量到比较高的值,比如2000。
- Of or being an additive primary color. 原色的,基色的属于或是一种附加的原色的