- add individual filesv. [计]添加单个文件
- Reduced obsolescence by allowing users to replace or add individual components. 通过允许用户增加或者替换个别组件赋予了仪器灵活性。
- If you know the name of the Web site whose cookies you want to delete, you can delete the individual files. 如果知道要删除其Cookie的网站的名称,则可以删除单独的文件。
- How can I add individual names from a Personal Address Book (. Pab) to my Contacts? 如何将“个人通讯簿”(.;pab)中的姓名逐个添加到我的“联系人”中?
- Some file systems, such as NTFS file system, support compression or encryption for individual files and directories. 一些文件系统,像NTFS文件系统,对于个别的文件或目录支持压缩或加密。
- You can add a built-in combination of 3-D effects to your shape, or you can add individual effects. 您可以向形状添加内置的三维效果组合,也可以添加单个效果。
- Unzipper and Extractor - recover individual files from WinRescue backups and Zip files. unzipper和萃取-收回个人档案从w inrescue备份和Z IP文件。
- GUI .Easy to use to get checksums for individual files, create checksum digests, and test checksum digests. 图形用户界面 ,易于使用获得单文件校验、创建校验摘要、测试校验摘要。
- In this short video tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Multi Shader in C4D to add individual colors to your clones using the INDEX Mode. 在这么短的视频教程,您将学习如何使用C4D多增加个人的着色您的克隆使用索引颜色模式。
- You can change this setting for an individual file, or you can tell Windows to open all files of that same type in the software program you choose. 您可以为单个文件更改此设置,或者可以让Windows使用所选软件程序打开同一类型的所有文件。
- Because share permissions only control network access to the share, you should set permissions on individual files and folders. 因为共享权限只控制共享的网络访问,您应在单个文件和文件夹上设定权限。
- This means that DIMMs may be added individually. 这意味着DIMM可以单个地增加。
- For an electronic record which comprises multiple electronic files and which has to be signed, each individual file shall be separately signed digitally. 就包括多个电子档案及必须加以签署的电子纪录而言,每一个别档案均须以数码形式分开签署。
- Each of the variables set through the user interface is stored as an individual file in the /hw/conf directory on the host's hard drive. 蜜网网关的初始化配置工作完全可以通过用户界面来完成。
- You can compress individual files, groups, and entire directories with the preservation of internal structure and continue to work with them as with normal folders. 您可以压缩个别档案,团体,企业和整个目录保存内部结构,并继续与它们合作,与正常的文件夹。
- If you want to remove the file data, open the table in Datasheet view and either delete the individual file or delete the OLE Object field that contains the file data. 如果要删除文件数据,请在“数据表”视图中打开表,然后删除单独的文件或删除包含该文件数据的“ole 对象”字段。
- Color schemes and font options add individuality to users' messages, and the ability to block unwanted contacts and to filter messages based on subject and sender information are quite useful. 色彩方案和字体选择给用户的消息增添了个性,阻止不想接触的人的来函和依据主题和发送者信息过滤消息的能力都非常有用。
- Note: There is usually not much point in making more than one tablespace per logical file system, since you cannot control the location of individual files within a logical file system. 注意: 通常在一个逻辑文件系统上建立多个表空间没有什么意义,因为你无法控制一个逻辑文件系统里的不同文件的位置。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- Reuse clearly remains a non-trivial task, but this scenario demonstrates that UCM streams make this goal achieveable by allowing teams to focus on capabilities, not individual files or components. 重用很显然不是一个微不足道的问题,但这个场景表明UCM工作流通过允许团队专注于功能,而不是单个文件或组件来使这个目标成为可能。