- Khachiyans algorithm哈奇杨算法
- 查询编辑器建立Adaptive Server Anywhere SELECT语句。The Query Editor builds Adaptive Server Anywhere SELECT statements.
- 首先给出了优解保留遗传算法 EGA(Elitist Genetic Algorithm);Elitist Genetic Algorithm (EGA) is presented in this paper, a Markov chain is built from the view of states based on elite.
- adaptive system (计算机)可适应系统
- 此语句用于为当前连接设置与Adaptive Server Enterprise兼容的数据库选项。Use this statement to set database options for the current connection in an Adaptive Server Enterprise-compatible manner.
- 文中引入了用于盲信号均衡的恒模算法(CMA:constant modulus algorithm)。Constant modulus algorithm (CMA), which was used in blind equalization, is introduced in this paper.
- 相比而言,较大的页大小有助于Adaptive Server Anywhere更有效地读取数据库。By contrast, a larger page sizes help Adaptive Server Anywhere read databases more efficiently.
- 遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)可以有效选取PLS建模变量,使模型简单化的同时提高预测准确度。Variables of PLS was optimized by GA (genetic algorithm) and then made the model simple and accuracy.
- 对于命令文件中存储的批处理语句,Adaptive Server Anywhere支持在命令文件中使用参数。For batches stored in command files, Adaptive Server Anywhere supports the use of parameters in command files.
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,简称GA)是在模拟达尔文的自然选择和优胜劣汰生物进化论的基础上发展起来的。As a newly developed optimization algorithm, the genetic algorithm (GA) is derived from evolutionism based on genetic selection and nature elimination of Darwin ism and genetics.
- 当您从数据库中插入和删除行时,Adaptive Server Anywhere会自动重用这些行占用的空间。As you insert and delete rows from the database, Adaptive Server Anywhere automatically reuses the space they occupy.
- Adaptive Server Enterprise的消息代理使用稳定队列来保存事务,直到不再需要这些事务。The Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a stable queue to hold transactions until they are no longer needed.
- 论文研究了一种新的电力系统不良数据辨识的方法:基于GSA(gap statistic algorithm)的数据挖掘技术的方法。The paper provides a new method for solving the bad dada identification problem: GSA-based (gap statistic algorithm) data mining technique. The GSA technique is new technique based on the cluster analysis theory and statistic analysis.
- 该公司的网址是www. adaptive-eyecare. com。The address is www. adaptive-eyecare. com.
- 此示例使用与第一个示例相同的ALGORITHM、KEY_SOURCE和IDENTITY_VALUE值在订阅数据库中重新创建相同的对称密钥。This example recreates the same symmetric key in the subscription database using the same values for ALGORITHM, KEY_SOURCE, and IDENTITY_VALUE from the first example.
- 命名管道协议应该在以等效于C2安全认证配置的方式使用Adaptive Server Anywhere时使用。The Named Pipes protocol should be used when using Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration.
- 根据自然界中的气体扩散现象,提出了一种新的负载均衡路由算法-GD (Gas diffusion based routing algorithm)。To solve this problem, two new routing algorithms were presented for DIN, GD (Gas Diffusion based routing algorithm) which was inspired from the gas diffusion phenomenon in the nature and FOA (Forward-only Agent routing algorithm) which is an intelligent algorithm based on swarm intelligence.
- Cagans adaptive expectation model卡根适应性期望模型
- 本文基于一种改进的 ( Soft-outputViterbi algorithm,SOVA)译码算法 ,提出了针对 Turbo-STCM的并行迭代译码方案。This paper introduces a lower complex deco ding algorithm based on soft output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA) for Turbo STCM.
- Adaptive Server Anywhere拒绝任何更新请求。Any update request is rejected by Adaptive Server Anywhere.