- adamantine odontoma [牙]釉质瘤
- Examples: DR, Resist ENERGY, Adamantine Laced. 例子:DR,能量抗力,金钟罩。
- Zhengzhou Adamantine Fine Dried Noodle Reamer Co., Ltd. 郑州金钢挂面刀具有限公司。
- Adamantine Arrow: A mystical order with roots in Atlantis. 金石之箭:植根于亚特兰提斯的魔法团。
- It is adamantine for Chinese to safeguard homeland integrity. 中国人民捍卫祖国领土完整的决心和意志是坚定不移的。
- Adamantine has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness. 每一英寸厚的精金有20点的硬度和40点的耐久度。
- Adamantine Bound Chest: These chests will no longer contain Adamantine Bars. 锁住的坚金箱(泰罗卡森林,刀锋山,虚空风暴处出产):不再会开出坚金(?)锭。
- Mages of the Adamantine Arrow must be ready for battle at all times. 精金之箭的法师必须随时准备好战斗。
- On the problem that has advanced sex in the party we must adamantine. 在党具有先进性的问题上我们必须坚定不移。
- In this article, a compound odontoma and an impacted lateral incisor were diagnosed by radiographs. 本报告之病例即为藉由牙科放射检查诊断出混合性齿瘤及阻生侧门齿。
- Interference with the eruption of impacted permanent incisors by odontoma is occasionally detected but difficult to manage in children and adolescents. 摘要在儿童及青少年时期,因齿瘤而阻碍恒门牙之萌发,虽偶尔发现但不容易处理。
- Surely the adamantine barrier of her marriage with another could not be pieced like this! 毫无疑问,她与另一个人的婚姻设下的强固的障碍不能这样去突破。
- Odontoma was enucleated surgically and the impacted maxillary lateral incisor was bonded with a lingual button and attached with a traction hook under general anesthesia. 在全身麻醉状态下将齿瘤剜出,并于阻生侧门齿装置舌侧钮及结扎线。
- Weapons made of adamantine have the ability to bypass the damage reduction of certain monsters. 添加到盔甲中则可以使盔甲有伤害减免的能力。
- Adamantine Bound Chest: This chest found in the outdoor world now contain level-appropriate loot. 锁住的坚金箱(泰罗卡森林,刀锋山,虚空风暴处出产):里面所包含的物品等级更加合适(低等级垃圾少了)。
- Surely the adamantine barrier of her marriage with another could not be pieced like this ! 毫无疑问,她与另一个人的婚姻设下的强固的障碍不能这样去突破。
- Adamantine Arrow: A mystical order with roots in Atlantis. They were the warriors and soldiers of the Awakened City. 刚箭盟:源于亚特兰蒂斯的魔法盟会。他们是觉醒者之城的战士与军人。
- Enchantment slot.Examples: Adamantine's +2 Magic Damage or Mithril Weapon's Weight Reduction. 例如:精金的+2魔法伤害效果或是秘银的减少重量效果。
- See the chain: woven from adamantine and a strange grey thread, it runs from his wrist to the Book. 注意这条绳子,它由灰色的无比坚韧的奇特丝线搓成,从书上连接到他的手腕。
- But have a bit I am adamantine, I won't weigh the track of an overturned cart of skip parents marriage. 但有一点我是坚定不移的,我不会重蹈父母婚姻的覆辙。