- You disconnect from the ad hoc network. 从临时网络断开连接。
- You might be the only person on an ad hoc network. 临时网络上可能只有您一人。
- Does DiffServ work well in wireless ad hoc networks? 网络中区分服务存在的问题研究?
- Research on QoS Routing Protocols of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 移动自组网络安全路由协议研究。短句来源。
- Therefore, multicasting plays an important role in ad hoc networks. 此时多播扮演着重要的角色。
- The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network. Ad Hoc网络的前身是分组无线网(Packet Radio Network)。
- So BSR is an efficient multipathprotocol in wireless ad hoc networks. 因此,BSR 协议是一种有效的多径路由协议。
- It is also promising to use Bluetooth as a medium for mobile ad hoc networks. 蓝芽技术也是一种在行动网路的一种媒介。
- As in Ad hoc network, route is an important part in wireless Mesh network. 正如Ad Hoc网络一样,无线Mesh网络中的路由是它的一项关键技术。
- The thesis gives a review of problems in the IEEE 802.11 MAC Ad Hoc network. 论文综述了IEEE 802.;11 MAC协议应用于Ad Hoc网络时存在的问题。
- The government agency recommended cognitive radio technology for use in low-power ad hoc networks in unused TV bands. 美国政府建议将感知无线电技术用于未使用电视频带中的低功率特定网路。
- But unlike PDAs, motes can join forces in ad hoc networks to form a system that has greater computational power than its parts. 不过,尘粒有一点与PDA不同,它们可透过特定网络结合彼此的力量,形成单一系统,取得比个别零件大的运算能力。
- MSR(Multi-path Source Routing) is a routing protocol used in wireless Ad hoc networks, which is based on DSR. MSR协议是一种基于DSR协议的无线Adhoc网络路由协议。
- Security is becoming an issue of the routing protocols in Ad Hoc networks with its wide deployment. 随着Ad Hoc网络的应用和推广,路由协议的安全问题越来越受关注。
- DSR is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in mobile ad hoc networks. DSR 协议是专用于Ad hoc 网络的简单有效的按需路由协议,主要由路由发现和路由维护两个机制组成。
- We evaluate LSF-ODMRP performance with ODMRP for Ad hoc networks via extensive and detailed simulation. 通过对LSF-ODMRP协议的模拟仿真实验比较,我们验证了协议的改进效果。
- Data transmit between the concentrator and the collector in the form of wireless ad hoc networks. 集中器到采集器之间采用无线自组织网络进行数据传输。
- C.-K.TOH, “Wireless ATM and Ad Hoc Networks: Protocols and Architectures”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1997. 田辉,“自组织移动通信网络控制协议研究”,北京邮电大学博士学位论文。
- Due to its easiness of construction and host mobility, Wireless Ad hoc networks will be widely used in the real world. 因其容易构建、支持用户移动性的特点,使得它在实际生活中有着非常广阔的应用前景。
- Node privacy in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is an important research topic in designing anonymous routing protocols. 在移动式随意网路中设计匿名通讯协定,节点的隐私性是极为重要的课题。