- Therapeutic Effect of Budesonide Inhalation on Acute Infectious Laryngitis in Children 布地奈德吸入治疗小儿急性感染性喉炎的疗效观察
- Curative Effect of Nebulizative Inhaled Pulmicort on Acute Infectious Laryngitis 雾化吸入普米克令舒治疗急性感染性喉炎
- Nursing Management of Acute Infectious Diarrhea. 急性传染性腹泻的护理。
- Acute infectious diseases, high fever, delirium. 急性热病,高热不退,神昏谵语,热毒斑疹。
- Gastroenteritis:Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines. 肠炎: 泛指发生在胃和小肠黏膜的急性炎症。
- Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the poliomyelitis virus. 脊髓灰质炎是由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的急性传染病。
- Poliomyelitis (or polio or infantile paralysis):Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles. 小儿麻痹症:病毒引起的急性传染病,会造成随意肌瘫痪无力。
- Diphtheria: Acute infectious Bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. 白喉:白喉棒状杆菌引起的急性传染
- Conjunctivitis takes various forms. The most common form is acute infectious conjunctivitis red-eye syndrome. 结膜炎有几种成因,最常见是传染性急性结膜炎,俗称红眼症。
- Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. 炭疽病是由炭疽杆菌引致的一种急性传染病。
- Scarlet fever( or scarlatina): Acute infectious disease caused by some types of streptococcus bacteria. 猩红热:一种由某些类型的链球菌引起的急性传染病。
- Gastroenteritis: Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines. 肠炎:泛指发生在胃和小肠黏膜的急性炎症。
- Newcastle disease is an acute infectious disease caused by Newcastle disease virus in chicken andturkey. 新城疫是由新城疫病毒引起的鸡和火鸡的一种急性高度接触性传染病。
- Objective To evaluate clinical diagnosis value of procalcitionin (PCT) in old patients with acute infectious disease. 目的探讨降钙素原(PCT)对老年患者急性感染性疾病鉴别诊断的临床意义。
- Methods And the reportable acute infectious disease from1950to1999in Gaozhou City were statistically analyzed. 结果高州市50年的急性传染病年均总发病率为1288.;32/10万,年均总死亡率为7
- Rabies is a kind of acute infectious disease impacting people's central nervous system caused by hydrophobia virus. 狂犬病是由狂犬病毒引起的急性中枢神经系统的传染病。
- Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Jindeng Oral Liquid (JDOL) on acute infectious lesion in pharynx. 目的观察金灯山根口服液治疗咽部急性感染的临床疗效。
- The White Necrotic Disease of Muscovy Duck (MDWND) is a new emerging acute infectious disease in recent years. 番鸭“白点病”(Muscovy Duck White Necrosic Disease,MDWND)是近年来新发现的一种急性传染性疾病。
- Red neck disease of soft shelled turtle is an acute infectious disease caused by Aeromonas hydrophila . 鳖的红脖子病是由嗜水气单胞菌引起的一种急性传染病 .
- Poliomyelitis (or polio or infantile paralysis):Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles. 小儿麻痹症:病毒引起的急性传染病,会造成随意肌瘫痪无力。