- actvited sludge system 活性污泥法
- Physico-chemical parameters of Baoding Lugang Sewage Treatment Plant activated sludge system were predicted based on microfauna. 摘要用微型动物预测了保定鲁岗污水处理厂活性污泥系统的理化参数。
- Abstract A practical case to treat wastewater of beer brewing by cyclic activated sludge system (CASS) is described. 本文介绍了采用CASS工艺处理啤酒废水的工程实例,经CASS工艺处理后废水达标排放。
- In addition,the removal effectiveness of Sulphide,Tannin and Chromiun in a activated sludge system is also examined. 并对生物处理去除制革污水中的硫化物、铬、单宁等有毒物质的效果也作了研究。
- The sludge system through continuous addi ng of water and inoculation and culture of aerobic bacteria are promoted. 通过连续注水,接种培养法对焦化废水活性污泥系统进行启动。
- The key factor of dephosphorization &denitrification is to control the inverse sludge system. 该工艺中对污泥回流系统的控制是除磷脱氮最关键的因素。
- Treatment of CTMP wastewater with an innovative activated sludge system was studied. 本研究采用改良活性污泥系统处理高浓度CTMP废水。
- According to the experimental results, the influence mechanism which DO and C/N affect on SND is consistent in Activated Sludge System and MBR. 通过本实验可以说明:DO、C/N比对同步硝化反硝化的影响机制在两种系统(活性污泥系统和膜生物器系统中)是一致的。
- The capability of treating oil and grease wastewater was enhanced greatly by bioaugmentation with dosing X4 in active sludge system. 在活性污泥中投加X4菌对含油脂废水进行强化处理,可以提高油脂的去除率。
- The enhanced hybrid biofilm and activated sludge system (EHYBFAS) consists of pre-treatment unit, bio-reactor and sedimentation unit. 淹没生物膜活性污泥复合工艺由预处理单元、反应池单元及沉淀单元组成。
- Researches of EM rejuvenation,EM addition as well as flocculation characteristics of EM are conducted in the activated sludge system. 有效微生物应用于活性污泥系统中,分别进行了EM复壮、EM投加及EM絮凝性能的研究。
- Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS) is one of advanced sewage water treatment processes and it suits the conditions of our country. 在污水处理工艺中,CASS工艺是一种比较先进的工艺,而且也比较适合我国国情。
- Respirometry is very widely used to characterize the activated sludge system and to control its operation in wastewater treatment plant. 在监测污水处理厂活性污泥系统的状态,控制其运行时,人们广泛采用了呼吸测量法。
- This paper deals with a modified CASS (cyclic activated sludge system) process in treating beer brewery wastewater, focusing on coping with sludge baulking. 摘要在CASS变型工艺处理啤酒废水的可行性研究阶段,由于某种原因造成了污泥膨胀现象,影响了工艺的正常运行。
- The relationship between substrate biodegradation and biomass growth is studied in the complete-mixing activated sludge system when it is used to treat domestic seawater. 介绍了采用完全混合活性污泥系统处理含海水污水,研究了基质降解与生物增长量之间的关系。
- This paper has put forward an activated sludge system model(ASSM)based on the simplified bio-reaction dynamics model(SBDM)and the secondary clarifier model. 以简化的生物反应动力学模型和二沉池沉淀模型为基础,建立了普通活性污泥系统数学模型。
- This paper deals with a modified CASS(cyclic activated sludge system)process in treating beer brewery wastewater,focusing on coping with sludge baulking. 在CASS变型工艺处理啤酒废水的可行性研究阶段,由于某种原因造成了污泥膨胀现象,影响了工艺的正常运行。
- The iron-carbon activated sludge system is a novel hybrid Bioreactor, which introduced the microelectrolysis technology into the activated sludge system. 铁炭活性污泥法作为一种浸没式复合生物反应器,将微电解作用引入活性污泥系统。
- The bulking sludge caused by the overgrowth of filamentous bacteria is one of the most difficult problems occurred in acti-vated sludge systems. 在活性污泥系统中,由丝状菌过度繁殖引起的污泥膨胀是最难解决的问题之一。
- Design optimization were adopted in aerating and sedimentation when municipal sewage was treated by CASS( Cyclic Activated Sludge System), which was useful to save running power cost and process administration optimization. 采用循环式活性污泥法(ASS)艺处理城市生活污水,并对曝气和沉淀排水阶段进行设计优化,利于节能及优化运行。