- He was disabled when on active service. 他在战斗中受伤致残。
- active service unit 现役分队
- She has been on active service for ten years. 她已服了十年现役。
- This is primarily used for Web service unit tests. 此项设置主要用于Web服务单元测试。
- He saw active service in the last war. 他积极参加了上次的战争。
- To put(a ship) into active service. 使(船)服役
- Everyone who has seen active service in war knows this. 每个在作战中积极行动过的人都知道这一点。
- He's out on active service, wiping something off a slate. 他去服现役了,以了结义务。
- He's out on active service,wiping something off a slate. 他去服现役了,以了结义务。
- Each agent can provide with active service and intelligent search. 本文中的Agent从功能上来讲主要是作人工助手,具体地说,每个节点的Agent提供主动服务和智能搜索功能。
- To withdraw(a ship, for example) from active service. 使退役使(军舰)退出现行的公共事务
- One-Stop Service Unitive standard, Fast response. 全国一站服务统一标准、快速响应。
- Saddles, Stirrups and Spurs - Preparedness for active service. 坐鞍、马蹬和马靴刺-时刻准备活跃的军人。
- Q: Is it possible to hold such a concert in a community service unit without any proper stage facilities? 问:社区服务单位内没有正式舞台设备也可进行音乐会吗?
- When they reach a certain age, army officers retire from active service. 当达到一定年龄时,军官们退居二线而不再从事那些活跃的工作。
- It is necessary trend that notary organ should be consider as public service unit form the angle of long-development. 从发展的角度分析,将公证机构性质定位为自收自支事业单位是必然的趋势。
- When they reach a certain age,army officers retire from active service. 当达到一定年龄时,军官们退居二线而不再从事那些活跃的工作。
- Ciba Specialty Chemicals Expert Services Unit China Contact: Pauline Bu. 联系汽巴专家服务部
- A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 修女,尼姑归属或献身于具有积极的仪式或冥想的宗教制度或团体的女性,生活在贫穷,贞洁和服从中
- Describes the UnitTesting.Web namespace, which extends the UnitTesting namespace by providing support for ASP.NET and Web service unit tests. 介绍UnitTesting.;Web命名空间;该命名空间通过提供对ASP