- The investigation result shows that the interleaving active clamp forward converter has excellent electrical performance, and it is especially attractive in high-power distributed power systems. 研究结果表明,并联交错式有源箝位正激变换器具有优良的电气性能,特别适用于大功率分布式电源系统。
- : An active clamp forward converter with synchronous recti ers and a magnetic amplifier. 转换器5:有源钳位正激变换器的同步直肌ERS和磁性放大器。所有开关是软开关(零电压开关)。
- active clamp forward converter 有源箝位正激变换器
- In the design of artificial load system, we adopt active clamp forward DC-DC converter based on UCC2891D. 在模拟负载系统设计中,采用了基于UCC2891D的有源箝位正激DC-DC变换器。
- Study of Dual-switch Active Clamped Forward Converter with Two Auxiliary Switches 双主双辅有源箝位正激变换器的研究
- Dual switch forward converter with zero voltage switch active clamp 一种零电压开关有源箝位双管正激变换器
- Large Signal Properties of Active Clamp Forward Mode Inverter with High Frequency Pulse DC Link 有源箝位正激式高频脉冲直流环节逆变器大信号特性
- The page compared several IM-CDRs,then taked active clamp forward-flyback converter as an example, analysis the operation of a novel IM-CDR. 比较了几种磁集成倍流整流电路(IM-CDR)的优缺点,以有源箝位正反激变换器为例分析了新型IM-CDR的工作模态。
- Design and Analysis of Pulse Transformer in Forward Converter. 单端正激式脉冲变压器的分析与设计。
- Study of an Active Clamp Flyback ZVZCS Converter 有源箝位反激式零电压零电流开关变换器研究
- An Active Clamp Half-Bridge Boost Converter 一种有源钳位的半桥Boost变换器的研究
- S. Mappus, “Active Clamp Transformer Reset: High Side or Low Side?,” TI Application Note SLUA322, Sep. 2004. 张煌章,“具同步整流之主动箝位顺向式转换器分析与研制”,硕士论文,昆山科技大学电机工程系,2007。
- According to the design method, a transformer using for 48V(36-72V) input, 2.2V, 20A output forward converter is built. 按照设计方法;设计出一台高频开关电源变压器;用于输入为48V(36-72V);输出为2.;2V、20A的正激变换器。
- For the active-clamp ZVS-PWM forward converter,the reset of the transformer is the most crucial technique. 在有源箝位ZVS-PWM正激变换器中,变压器的磁复位技术是其中最关键的一项技术。
- The first stage is push pull forward converter, and the second stage is a dual buck inverter(DBI). 该静止变流器前级采用推挽正激式变换器,后级采用双降压式逆变器。
- Interleaved active clamp flyback converters overcome the shortcomings of the flyback converters.But it had more switches and the control of it was more complex. 交错有源箝位反激变换器,克服了反激变换器的缺点,但开关管多,控制较为复杂。
- Circuit characteristic is composed with forward converter and flyback converter. 因此本论文利用间接型滑动模式控制法则以稳定系统之输出电压。
- J. Zhao, M. Sekine, S. Ushiki, T. Sato, T. Nabeshima, and T. Nakano, “An improved interleaved forward converter,” IEEE PESC, pp. 1-5, Jun. 2006. 林景源,“双变压器主动箝位顺向式与返驰式转换器”,国立台湾科技大学电子工程系博士论文,民国九十六年七月。
- Double Forward Converter(DFC) has many advantages, such as inherent anti-break-though capability, auto clamping the switch voltage etc. 双管正激变换器具有内在抗桥臂直通的优点,能使开关管上的电压自动箝位在输入电源电压。
- Performance of RCD reset asymmetrical dual switch forward converter is the lowest, the configuration is the simplest and the cost is the low est. 结构最复杂,成本最高,RCD复位不对称双管正激变换器性能相对最差。