- Nixon from the first was in favor of a more active policy. 尼克松从一开始就赞成采取比较积极的方针。
- The national bond (abri. NB) investment is the majority of the active policy. 国债投资是积极财政政策的主要内容。
- Will you strengthen the policy measures? 力度会不会进一步加大?
- Carry out an active policy for promoting employment and do everything possible to enlarge the scale of employment. 实行积极的促进就业政策,千方百计扩大就业规模。
- Second, we will formulate and materialize the policy measure of "rejuvenating trade through intellectual property". 三、积极参与国家知识产权战略制定工作。
- Thailand rid itself of poppy by an active policy of encouraging alternative economic development. 泰国鼓励种植其他经济作物的积极政策而最终摆脱了毒品的阴影。
- This text studied that how to gradually perfect the rate of exchange mechanism and put forward the reformed policy measure. 本文就如何逐步完善汇率机制市场化等问题进行分析,并提出了改革的政策建议。
- So objects backed up under this TSM client nodename will be assigned to management classes defined in the active policy set for this policy domain. 因此,在此TSM客户机节点名称下备份的对象将分配给此策略域的活动策略集中定义的管理类。
- They require radical and unorthodox policy measures. 这要求采取激进的非常规政策措施。
- "Policy is unscrambled " the column is a window, we lean on a window and look, general view government " dominant market " policy measure, look for develops business chance. “政策解读”栏目就是一扇窗 ,我们倚窗而望,一览政府“主导市场”的政策措施,寻觅发展商机。
- House Speaker Michael E.Busch told reporters Wednesday to expect a "very active policy session as well as one that centers around the crucial issue of the budget. " 众议院议长迈克尔布希星期三对记者表示期待一个“非常积极的政策会议,以及一个中心的关键问题的预算。
- And proposed take the oilgas debris monitoring model as the example Shandong Province promotesthe non- traditional oil gas resources development policy measure. 并以油气尾矿监控模型为例提出了山东省促进非传统油气资源开发的政策措施。
- These policy measure, to accelerating grain production, liven commissariat is current, stabilize commissariat value, assure provisionment, produced positive effect. 这些政策措施,对于促进粮食生产,搞活粮食流通,稳定粮食价格,保证粮食供给,发挥了积极作用。
- The policy measures for encouraging exports must be fully carried out. 落实鼓励外贸出口的政策措施。
- Focusing on economic construction,the Chinese government promotes employment through economic growth,carries out an active policy of employment,and adopts various effective measures to increase the rate of employment. 中国政府坚持以经济建设为中心,通过经济增长带动就业增长,实行积极的就业政策,采取各种有效措施,大力促进就业。
- This performance is the result not only of China's active policy of attracting foreign funds, but also of the foreign investors' insightful understanding of China's economic condition. 外资在中国取得如此的成绩,除了因为中国积极的引资政策,也因为他们对中国经济形势准确的把握。
- The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the impacts of policy measures of wastepaper recycling, then to choose an appropriate measure in terms of increase in wastepaper reuse. 摘要:本论文旨在分析政策措施对废纸回收之影响,进而选择适当之政策,以促进废纸再利用。
- Of primary importance will be policy measures designed to increase domestic savings and to allocate and utilize resources more efficiently. 最重要的是那些旨在增加国内积累和更有效的分配、利用资源的政策措施。
- I agreed with him that some active measure should be adopted. 我与他一致认为应该采取某种积极措施。