- The process may involve the use of molten sodium cyanide mixtures;pack carburizing with activated solid material such as charcoal or coke, gas or oil carburizing, and dry cyaniding. 工艺可能涉及到熔化的氰化钠混合物,带有活性固体物质如活性炭、焦炭等的固体渗碳,气体或油性渗碳剂,还有干法氰化。
- Iron-aluminum (hydro) oxides and phyllosilicates are two most important and active solid components in soil, accounting for over 90 percent in soil mass. 摘要铁铝氧化物与黏土矿物是土壤中最重要、最活跃的固相组分之一,一般占土壤质量的90%25以上,它们之间的交互作用直接影响土壤界面活性、理化性质和肥力状况。
- Now he is well enough to take solids. 现在他病好了,可以吃非流质食物了。
- The burglar alarm was activated by mistake. 防盗铃误响了。
- Certain of these solids behave as if they were very thick liquids. 其中有些固体的性状象是很稠的液体。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
- Solid fuel motors are coming into use. 固体燃料马达即将开始使用。
- The country was solid for peace. 全国上下都希望和平。
- Water becomes solid when it freezes. 水结冰时便变成固体。
- The miners were solid on this issue. 矿工们在这件事上是一条心的。
- Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. 物体存在的形态有固体,液体,气体。
- There was a solid vote in favour of the proposal. 提案获全体一致通过。
- When water freezes, it becomes solid. 水结冰时变成固体。
- The students are learning solid geometry. 这些学生正在学习立体几何学。
- These glaciers are beds of solid ice. 这些冰河由一层层坚冰形成。
- The workers were tunnelling through solid rock. 工人们正在坚石中挖掘一条通道。
- The castle is founded on solid rock. 那座城堡建筑在坚实的岩石上。
- He buttressed up the argument with lots of solid facts. 他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。
- The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the glass. 固态物质被过滤出来,只有液体流进了杯里。
- The recording device has activated. 录音装置已开动起来。