- action potential period 动作电位时限
- Hodgkin-Huxley Model of the Action Potential. 12动作电位之霍奇金-赫胥黎模型。
- Action potential (AP) parameters were recorded in the NZ and AZ. 记录两区的动作电位(AP)参数。
- Action potential duration(APD) at 30%,50% and 90% repolarization(APD30,APD50,APD90),effective refractory period(ERP),amplitudes of action potential and resting membrane potential were obtained. 用充满3mol/L氧化钾的玻璃微电极插入心房肌,记录动作电位。 观察复极30%25、50%25、90%25时的动作电位时程(APD30、APD50、APD90)、有效不应期(ERP)、动作电位振幅(APA)、静息电位(RMP)。
- It is well established that the cardial contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。
- Class III anti-arrhythmic drugs (such as amiodarone) act ia prolongation of the action potential. III类抗心律失常药物(例如胺碘酮)是通过延长动作电位来发挥作用的。
- Potential periodic Distribution Amount by reference to a Distribution Rate. 潜在定期分派款额,参照分派比率计算。
- Computer Simulation Studies of Motor Unit Action Potentials. 本文是由中国工程院院士王威琪教授审查、推荐的。
- Stimulating a nerve fiber causes an action potential to spread across the nerve cell, making it contract. 刺激神经纤维导致动作电位传遍神经细胞,从而使之收缩
- It is well established that the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。
- Recording of Monophasic Action Potential Across the Left Ventricular Free Wall in Vivo With Composite Electrodes. 应用自制复合电极同步记录兔左心室游离壁三层心肌的单相动作电位。
- The Influence on Atrial Action Potential of Guinea Pig by Rapid Stimulation and Intervention by Diltiazem and Esmolol. 快速刺激对豚鼠心房肌动作电位的影响及地尔硫卓、艾司洛尔的干预作用。
- Effect of electronic dental anesthesia on the action potential of the cat biventer induced by electronic stimuli. 电子麻醉对电刺激诱发猫二腹肌动作电位的影响。
- Isoflurane Inhibits Transmitter Release and the Presynaptic Action Potential Wu X-S, et al. 异氟醚抑制递质释放和突触前动作电位。
- We studied the effects of temperature on the producing of action potential in finite size of neuron membrane. 摘要研究了温度对有限大小神经元细胞膜动作电位的影响。
- The abnormality of the action potential repolarization in cardiomyocyte is closely related with arrhythmia. 心肌细胞动作电位复极化异常与心律失常的发生有密切关系。
- Intercellular action potential or conduction of excitation termed intercellular conduction. 细胞之间动作电位或兴奋传导称为胞间传导。
- The excitability of the toad ischiadic nerve was studied to note the disappearance time of action potential (AP). 结果神经干在浸泡药液后兴奋性均受到抑制;
- Objective To study the blockade effect of Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii on action potential of sciatic nerve of toad. 目的研究草乌对坐骨神经动作电位传导的阻滞作用。
- Yu GR, Wang Bin, Zhang DS, et al.Effect of higenamine on action potential of ventricular myocardial cell.J. 王彬尧郑道声俞国瑞急性心肌梗塞并发心律失常的临床分析中国急救医学杂志1983;