- The Notes action bar is also still available just above the Inbox area. Notes操作栏也仍然可以使用,就在Inbox区域上方。
- Overpower dims on the action bar when the player is affected by disarm spells. 被缴械以后压制图标变灰。
- Spells automatically update on your action bar when new ranks are purchased. 当你学到更高级的技能时会自动替换掉在你的动作条上的低级技能。
- Warriors- Overpower dims on the action bar when the player is affected by disarm spells. 缴械的时候压制的图标变灰
- Newly created characters start out with some of their racials on their action bar. 新创建的人物一开始就会有一些种族技能放在你的技能条上。
- Multiple messages can be selected out-of-order and operated upon immediately, using a floaty action bar. 用户现在可以无序的选择多条消息,而且可以使用浮动操作条立即对这些信息进行操作。
- Players can now cast item targetable spells on items that are in your action bar. 玩家现在可以在动作条中点击物品来施放一些法术。
- Action BarEach stance has its own action bar. You place abilities for that stance on that bar. When you switch stances, your action bar also switches. 动作条战士的每个姿态都有独立的动作条。把你的技能放在某一个姿态的下,这样当你切换姿态时,动作条会随之切换。
- This window displays a scrolling list of all usable items that you have in your action bar (such as potions, bandaids and the like). 这个窗口显示一个可以在动作条重使用的物品列表(比如:药品、绷带等等)。
- Users can easily open reservations they no longer need, and delete them using the Action Bar buttons, thus making the room available for others to reserve. 用户可以轻松地打开他们不再需要的预订,并利用Action Bar按钮删除它们,从而使其他人可以预订此房间。
- This action is available via the Action Bar on a meeting document, and via the Actions menu. 该操作通过会议文档上的Action Bar以及Actions菜单提供。
- It also allows for up to eight passengers per vehicle, and brings up bespoke action bars and skills for vehicle and turret operators. 在一辆车上允许最多8名乘客,同时车辆和炮塔的使用者都会有独特的动作条。
- Specializations may be switched at any time as long as the player is not in combat, this will also change your character's Glyphs, Action Bars and Talents. 只要玩家不在战斗就可以自由转换天赋,同时也会转换玩家的铭文,动作条。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- Are you men ready? We go into action at midnight. 战士们,你们准备好了吗?我们半夜按计开始行动。
- Her action declared her to be an honest woman. 她的行为足以说明她是一个诚实的女人。
- The engine of the car is out of action. 这辆小汽车的发动机出了故障。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。