- He do it entirely out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事纯粹是出於好意,并非为钱。
- He did it entirely out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事纯粹是出於好意,并非为钱。
- Richard M. Nixon: Never act out of vengeance. 理查德·尼克松:保持一颗平常心。
- I used to act out of blind impulse when I am young. 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。
- She's only doing it out of kindness she's got no particular axe to grind. 她只是出於好心--倒不是别有用心。
- Some even act out of sheer altruism. 有些行为甚至完全是利他的。
- He helped the little girl out of kindness. 他出于好心帮助这位小姑娘。
- They were keeping her only out of kindness. 他们出于仁慈之心才一直收养着她。
- I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young. 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。
- He acted out of expediency, not principle. 他的行为是出于权宜之计而非原则。
- Not all of them were acting out of self-interest. 他们当中,并非所有人的行动都是出于利己的目的。
- I just acted out of force of habit. 我只是出於习惯而做。
- So you act out of hate! Excellent. That's an emotion I can trust. 那么你是出于仇恨?好极了。这种感情我可以信任。
- He did it entirely out of kindness,not for the money. 他做那件事纯粹是出于好意,并非为钱。
- He did it totally out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事完全是出于仁慈,而不是为了金钱。
- The days when you could just act out of your noble instincts, are over. 你们随心所欲的时代已经过去了。
- All his life he tried to act out his beliefs. 他一生致力于把自己的信仰变成行动。
- Out of kindness,perhaps,nobody said publicly what everybody knew privately. 可能出于好意,谁也没有公开说出人人都知道的秘密。
- She's only doing it out of kindness;she's got no particular axe to grind. 她只是出于好心--倒不是别有用心。
- Out of kindness, perhaps, nobody said publicly what everybody knew privately. 可能出于好意,谁也没有公开说出人人都知道的秘密。