- Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Cartoon pier glass, to specular laugh, all trouble run completely. 撒娇道具推荐:卡通穿衣镜,对着镜子笑一笑,所有烦恼全跑掉。
- Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Block almanac desk, return childhood to keep diarial time. 撒娇道具推荐:卡通书桌,回到童年写日记的年代。
- Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Shake rocking chair, groggy give trouble forgot. 撒娇道具推荐:摇摇椅,摇摇摆晃就把烦恼给忘了。
- Tut, tut! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child. 那么大的孩子还撒娇, 真没羞。
- Stop acting like a spoilt child. 不要表现得像个被宠坏的孩子一样。
- Aug.23,2007: In the Taipei International conference centre fan sign meeting, you were asked to acted like a spoiled child who pouted to his girlfriend in front of us. 2007年08月23日,台北国际会议中心盖章会,你现场模拟向女友撒娇。
- I tried hard to make you understand a bit of what I was thinking on that trip from Padua to Milan, but, you acted like a spoiled child, and I couldn’t keep on hurting you. 在从帕多瓦到米兰的旅途上,我努力尝试让你了解我的一些想法,可你却像个被宠坏了的孩子,使我不忍心再伤害你。
- tut, tut! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child 那么大的孩子还撒娇,真没羞。
- Her husband behaves just like a spoilt child. 她丈夫的行为像个宠坏了的孩子。
- Walks in plants the full dryondra on Champs Elysees, I depend on in his shoulder act like a spoiled brat, that is the romantic matter which I looked forward to. 友情,也是人生一笔受益匪浅的储蓄,是患难之中的倾囊相助,是错误路上的逆耳患言,是 跌倒时一把真诚的搀扶,是痛苦时抹去泪水的一缕清风!
- Peters, unable for once to do exactly as he wanted, lost his temper just like a spoiled child. 彼得斯有一次未能如愿以偿,就发脾气,像个被宠坏了的孩子。
- It is all because of me. It is all because of my departure. I ran away, like a spoiled child grown up in an evergreen garden. 全是因为我。全是因为我的离开。我远远跑开,像一个温室中长大的孩子。
- I've been acting like a spoiled brat and haven't been considering your feelings enough. 我的行为看起来就像一个被宠坏的小孩,没有充分考虑到你的感觉。
- A man may talk like a wise man and act like a fool. 说得天花乱坠,干得颠三倒四。
- You should have an extremely stable work, must have the desire to do better, can understand looks after young male student who I like acting like a spoiled brat like this! 你应该有一份十分稳定的工作,要有上进心,会懂得照顾我这样喜欢撒娇的小男生!
- A person wasused to a person willfully, has acted like a spoiled brat, evencreated a scene, makes trouble out of nothing, this was alove. 一个人习惯了一个人的任性、撒娇,甚至无理取闹、无事生非,这就是爱。
- China's modern poets haven't learned how to take on tradition by acting like a spoiled brat, that's why there's no need for them to exist. 中国的现代诗人没有学会以撒娇的方式反传统破四旧,所以没有存在的必要。
- Act your age, don't act like a child. 稳重一点,别表现得像个小孩一样。
- You whine, complain and act like a child. 你就像个小孩一样吵闹抱怨个不停。
- Naomi: Oh, he was and he got her out of there as soon as he could. She was behaving like a spoilt child. 娜娥蜜:不错,他尽快携葛萝莉雅离去。葛萝莉雅的行为,就像个宠坏了的孩子。