- The authority to act for another. 代理权替别人行事的权利
- A person appointed or empowered to act for another. 代理人被任命或授权代表他人行动的人
- One appointed to act for another; a deputy or an agent. 代理人受命为另一人做事之人;代表或代理人
- One, such as the manager of a business, who acts for another. 代理人代理他人职务的人,如业务经理
- Proxy A person or delegation duly authorised to act for another person or FAI Member or the written authorisation to do so. 代理个人或一个代表团被正式授权,代表另一个人或FAI会员,或书面授权这样做。
- Please act for me during my absence. 在我外出期间,请代理我的职务。
- Would you care for another piece of cake? 您再来一块蛋糕好吗?
- He began to look for another position immediately. 他马上开始寻找另一个职位。
- He renewed the book for another two months. 这本书他又续借了两个月。
- I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. 我已经委托他当我不在的时候代我处理。
- The agreement has been renewed for another year. 该协定的期限已经再延长一年。
- By just exchange one for another giver. 就这样以心相许相与。
- I authorized Mr Jones to act for me while I was away. 我委托琼斯先生在我外出期间代理我的工作。
- No, it will not be left for another ten minute. 还没有。还有10分钟才开。
- He confidentially authorised me to act for him while he was abroad. 他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的职务。
- I managed to tap my father for another$10. 我成功地向父亲又要了10美元。
- One who performs menial tasks for another. 仆人替别人做卑贱工作的人
- a person appointed or empowered to act for another 被任命或授权代表他人行动的人
- The young man swung his mallet for another blow. 这个年轻人挥动球棍准备击球。
- He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he was abroad. 他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的职务。