- Here comes Graham. Watch him strike a pose by the door until everyone has seen his new suit. 格雷厄姆来了,看他在并肩战斗社那卖弄、炫耀的架式,让大家都来看见他的新装。
- She pumped up her thighs and struck a pose. 她鼓起腿部的肌肉,摆出一种姿势。
- She struck a pose for the photographer. 她为摄影师摆了一个姿势。
- Do me a favour if you can. There is no need to strike a pose to impress others. 能帮忙就帮忙吧,何必故意拿一把?
- Anti-American bravado was always a sure way to excite a crowd and strike a pose of national virility. 反美呼声一直是一种激发群众和显示民族气概的可靠方法。
- Truth does not strike a pose to overawe people but talks and acts honestly and sincerely. 凡真理都不装样子吓人,它只是老老实实地说下去和做下去。
- Afghan men strike a pose during a national bodybuilding competition at a cinema hall in Kabul June 2, 2009. 阿富汗男子罢工的姿态在全国健美比赛在电影院大厅在喀布尔2009年6月2日。
- He often strikes a pose in order to intimidate people. 他常装腔作势借以吓人。
- We should do our work honestly, take an analytical approach, write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people. 我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠装腔作势来吓人。
- In front of outsider, can strike a pose very much, in front of one of us nitpick the shortcoming of others, and stubbornly refuse to recognize that problem is with self. 在外人面前很会装腔作势,在自己人面前则挑剔别人的缺点,而且死不承认问题出在自己身上。
- His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他对穷人的关心只不过是做做样子罢了。
- She always liked to strike a noble pose. 她总是喜欢摆出一副高贵的样子。
- She strikes a pose of being an invalid when really she is well and strong. 她装出一副有病体弱的样子,但实际上身体强壮。
- The Peewee Boyz strike a trophy-winning pose. “毛头小子”摆出个大获全胜的造型。
- I was about strike a match when I remembered Tom's warning. 我正要划火柴就想起了汤姆的警告。
- The second indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it strikes a pose in order to intimidate people. 党八股的第二条罪状是:装腔作势,借以吓人。
- The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin. 英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币。
- Antonio Banderas strikes a pose at the 44th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. 安东尼奥.;班德拉斯在第44届卡罗维发利国际电影节上摆造型。
- I am sure he would never strike a person, except under provocation. 我确信他不会打人,除非是受到挑衅。
- Writing long-winded and empty articles may be set down to immaturity, but striking a pose to overawe people is not merely immature but downright knavish. 装腔作势,借以吓人,则不但是幼稚,简直是无赖了。