- Acquisition Core Courses 搜索核心教程
- What are the key or core courses in your curriculum? 在贵校的课程设置中,有哪些核心课程?
- At least two of the eight core courses must be substantial biology. 至少有两门课程是生物学方面的。
- After my core courses are finished, I'll be doing independent study. 在完成基础课程之后,我将作独立的研究。
- Finally, she explicated the preparation required to achieve free and open selection of all core courses. 最后则期待持续努力做各项准备工作以迈向全面开放选修的近期目标。
- To the students of TCM major, Endo-meridians is the core course. 它为中医专业的核心课程。
- Most of the first year curriculum consists of core courses in the main management disciplines, with the second year left open for electives. 第一年的多数核心课程涵盖了各种管理学原则,然后第二年则留下让你选修的空间。
- The core courses consist food biotechnology, natural product biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, biotechnological research methods, bioindustry and statistics. 本系所核心课程包括各生命科学相关课程、生物产学、统计学、生技研究方法。
- Four core courses have been designed specifically for Rotary World Peace Fellows and will serve as the foundation for the Rotary Center's curriculum at Duke-UNC. 杜克-北卡洛莱纳扶轮中心为扶轮世界和平奖学生设了四门必修课程。
- The faculty of the IMBA Program have all studied overseas;most of them have spent semesters at MIT Sloan developing core courses and electives for the Program. 该项目的 任课 教授都有海外留学背景,并且绝大多数在斯隆管理学院进修过,有丰富的教学经验;
- This 16 month program, taught in English and French, includes the core courses and a professional concentration or double concentrations according to the consult... 这一十六个月程序,教英语和法语,包括核心课程和专业的浓度或双浓度根据咨询项目的参与者。
- The curriculum of the Linguistics and Cognitive Science Department offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of language and mind. The major features core courses in linguistics and cognitive s. 美国波莫纳学院语言学与认知科学系。
- One final area that should appear in business programmes is a core course in business policy or business strategy. 最后,应当跻身于商业课程系列的是一门有关商业政策或谋略的核心课程。
- The chocolate factory is his latest acquisition. 该巧克力工厂是他最近购买的。
- The school has a valuable new acquisition. 学校里来了个生力军。
- One core course have statistics content unless this is already fulfilled by a statistics or biostatistics elective. 必须有一门课程属于统计类课程。
- One core course must have clinical content unless this is already fulfilled by another upper-division elective. 必须有一门课程属于临床医学课程。
- One core course must have design content unless this is already fulfilled by another upper-division elective. 必须有一门课程属于设计类课程。
- A student must take the required core course 10 credits and other required courses and elective courses with respect to the requirement in this field of specialization. 学生必须获得核心课程的10学分以及能代表其专业方面的专业必修课和选修课应具备的学分。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。