- Keywords acontractile detrusor;urodynamics;electric stimulation therapy;electroacupuncture;medicine; 逼尿肌无力症;尿动力学;电疗;电针;药物;
- acontractile detrusor 逼尿肌无力症
- The detrusor pressure did not change significantly. 逼尿肌压力则无明显差异。
- No one showed normal detrusor function. 无逼尿肌功能正常者。
- Objective To study detrusor fibrosis of neurogenic bladder. 目的探讨神经性膀胱逼尿肌的纤维化病理生理机制。
- Objective To study the content of vasoactive intestinal peptide in detrusor of the bladder. 目的研究反射亢进型神经性膀胱逼尿肌中血管活性肠肽的含量变化,探讨其对膀胱功能的影响。
- S4 nerves are the main innervating nerves to detrusor urinae, urethral sphincter and penis respectively. S4神经分别为膀胱逼尿肌、尿道括约肌及阴茎的主要支配神经。
- Neuromodulation,as a kind of way to suppress overactive detrusor,supposes to be an effective method. 电调节技术作为抑制逼尿肌过度活动的有效治疗手段,在临床上已获得较普遍的认同。
- Objective: To improve the surgical effect of the patients of neurogenic bladder with detrusor urinae. 目的为了提高逼尿肌无反射型神经原性膀胱患者的手术治疗效果。
- Objective:To establish the rat model of bladder outlet obstruction leading to detrusor instable(DI). 目的:建立大鼠下尿路梗阻引起逼尿肌不稳定(DI)的模型。
- Objective: To explore how to appraise detrusor function of bladder neck sclerosis. 目的:探讨如何准确评价膀胱颈硬化症逼尿肌功能。
- The number of ICC was significantly lower in detrusor areflexia bladder group than that in normal and post cystostomy bladder group(P<0.05). 逼尿肌无反射组明显低于正常组和膀胱造瘘组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.;05)。
- The number of ICC was significantly higher in detrusor hyperreflexia bladder group than that in normal and post cystostomy bladder group(P<0.05). 逼尿肌反射亢进组明显高于正常组和膀胱造瘘组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.;05);
- After WGA-HRP was injected into L4 left ventral horn,HRP positive axon terminals were observed in the left MPG and EUS,not in the detrusor. WGA HRP注射入脊髓L4左侧前角顺行追踪显示 ,左侧MPG和EUS内有HRP阳性神经末梢。
- Objective To study the effect of bladder outlet obstruction secondary to BPH on ultrastructure and function of detrusor. 目的探讨前列腺增生(BPH)致膀胱出口梗阻后对逼尿肌超微结构和其功能的影响。
- Objective: To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral nerve roots on detrusor urinate overactivity after spinal cord injury. 目的:观察骶神经根磁刺激治疗对脊髓损伤所致逼尿肌反射亢进的治疗作用。
- Methods Patients with BPH and without any other diseases which might affect detrusor function were evaluated with urodynamics. 方法采用尿动力学方法分析无神经系统疾病的良性前列腺增生患者的膀胱尿道功能。
- Results: It was found that the bladder detrusor dysfunction in 19, urethral stricture in 14, adenomatous remnant in 7 and bladder lithiasis in 3 cases. 结果:膀胱逼尿肌功能紊乱19例,尿道狭窄14例,腺体残留7例,膀胱结石3例。结论:逼尿肌功能紊乱、尿道狭窄是引起术后症状无改善的主要原因。
- Complete resolution of detrusor oeractiity was obsered in 44% of BTX-A patients at 4 weeks, though this dropped to 25% by 24 weeks. 在4周时BTX-A组患者中可观察到44%25的患者逼尿肌过度活动完全消失,尽管在24周时这个比率降至25%25。
- Objective To study the urodynamic change of bladder detrusor and its clinical significance in benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH). 目的探讨前列腺增生症(BPH)患者逼尿肌功能变化的尿动力学特点及其临床意义。