- 急性有机磷杀虫药中毒血清胆碱酯酶活力测定的临床应用评价The analysis of serum cholinesterase activity in acute organophosphorus pesticides poisoning
- 有机磷杀虫药organophosphorus insecticides
- 有机磷杀虫药中毒organophosphorus insecticides poisoning
- 急性有机磷杀虫药中毒Acute organophosphorous insecticides poisoning
- ethyl-dipterex(有机磷杀虫药)乙基敌百虫
- 有机磷杀虫药中毒治疗中的精神障碍及相关问题分析Mental Disorder and its Relative Problems of Treating the Patients with Organophosphorous Insecticides Poisoning
- 有机磷organophosphorus
- 杀虫药vermifuge
- 有机磷农药organophosphorus pesticide
- 马拉硫磷,马拉松,四零四九[杀虫药)Malathon
- 杀虫药中毒insecticide poisoning
- 有机磷神经毒气organophosphorus nerve gas
- 鸡肝酯酶在有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药检测中的应用研究Experiment Study on Utilization of Chicken Liver Esterase in Determination of Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides
- 杀虫药剂insecticide
- 有机磷剂organic phosphate agent
- 杀虫药剂对茄二十八星瓢虫及瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂的选择毒性Selective Toxicity of Eight Insecticides to Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius and Pediobius foveolatus Crawford
- 总有机磷total organic phosphorus
- 植物杀虫药Botanical Insecticide
- 有机磷类Organophosphorous
- 触杀杀虫药contact insecticide