- An eastern Asian shrub or small tree (Acer palmatum) widely cultivated for its decorative, deeply and palmately lobed, often reddish foliage. 鸡爪枫:一种东亚灌木或小树(掌形叶槭树属鸡爪槭),因其装饰性、较深分裂的掌状叶片且通常为红色群生叶片而广泛种植
- cutleaved Japanese maple (acer palmatum var. dissectum) 羽毛槭
- Effects of shading treatments on pigment and carbohydrate contents in Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' leaves 遮荫处理对'血红鸡爪槭'叶片色素及碳水化合物含量的影响
- acer palmatum 鸡爪槭
- Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' ‘紫红鸡爪槭’
- Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' ‘血红鸡爪槭’
- Cultivation Techniques of Rheum palmatum L. 掌叶大黄人工栽培技术。
- Nantong Acer Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd. 南通宏基缝纫设备有限公司。
- Acer Technology Ventures Asia Pacific Ltd. 宏基技术投资亚太有限公司。
- Study on the Morphology of Acer Linn. 槭树科槭属植物形态学研究
- Acer, Asustek and Sony all declined to comment. 宏碁、华硕和索尼均拒绝置评。
- Conclusion: Rheum palmatum L. has the effect of retarding aging. 三的清除作用,依次为大黄酸>大黄酚>大黄素>大黄素甲醚>芦荟大黄素。
- A study on disinfectors for the explants of Acer davidii Franch. 青榨槭外植体消毒方法初步研究。
- Study on the VA Mycorrhizae of Acer truncatum Bunge. 元宝槭VA菌根的研究
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acer ginnala Maxim. 茶条槭的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- PS:This position will be afford to Acer's connection corporation. 工作地点:中国-上海市-上海市月薪:面议
- Biotransformation of Artemisinin by Hairy Root Cultures of Rheum palmatum L. 大黄毛状根对青蒿素的生物转化研究。
- Acer, AOC, Benq, Dell, LG, Philips, Topcon, Viewsonic. 想请教那一个牌子或型号可以考虑?
- The histochemistry research of Gansu province cultivated Rheum palmatum L. 甘肃栽培大黄的组织化学研究。
- Acer was also criticized for its slow inventory turnover. 此外,宏碁还因存货周转率低而屡遭批评。