- The forming condition of crystal and closed pore in tabular alundum produced with electric melting is estimated and determined theoretically. 从原理上判断和估计了电熔板状刚玉结晶体和阔气孔的形成条件。
- The tracer detecting research on complex groundwater environment played a crucial on assessment of the forming condition for the reservoir of Rongge Hydropower Station. 摘要冗各水电站复杂岩溶水环境的示踪探测研究,在该电站成库条件的评介中起到了决定性的作用。
- A detailed petrologic and mineralogic study and a forming condition calculation have been carried out on the two types of enclaves. 对这两类岩石包体进行了详细的岩石学和矿物学研究,并计算了各类岩石包体的形成条件。
- These three types of lithophysa distribute in upper subfacies of effusive facies.The forming condition is condensing shrinkage in fixed volume. 3类石泡赋存于喷溢相上部亚相,形成机理为等容降温、冷凝收缩。
- Conclusion Marine source rock in studied area bas advantageons carbon-hydrogen forming condition and reasonablly has good prospect. 结论皖南沿江盆地群海相烃源岩具有良好的油气生成条件,是油气勘探的有利地区。
- In addition, flange forging were performed under various process parameters to find the best forming condition for low load and smooth surface. 另外,藉由改变各种制程参数,寻找镁合金凸缘锻造的最佳成形条件,期望获得成形负荷低且外形轮廓佳之凸缘。
- Finally,the paper describes the reservoir forming condition and laws in brief, and emphasize the importance of strengthening the exploration of Palaeozoic reservoir. 文章最后概述了盆地成油成藏条件与规律并强调进一步加强古生界油气藏勘探与研究的重要意义。
- In order to keep the normal bath temperature and slag forming condition, the charge of pig iron should not be exceeded 10% on middle and small converter. 中小型转炉内生铁块的加入量不应超过10%25,使转炉吹炼过程中保持正常的熔池升温和成渣状况。
- Objective To study the forming condition of water-in-oil (W/O) salbutamol sulfate nanoemulsion and investigate its potential as a peroral administration carrier. 摘要目的研究硫酸沙丁胺醇油包水(W/O)型口服纳米乳的成乳条件及小肠吸收情况。
- We have studied forming condition of gas hydrate in the South China Sea according to the physical oceanography, palaeo-climate, sedimentary environment, and tectonic environment. 摘要从物理海洋、古气候、沉积环境和构造环境分析入手,研究了南海天然气水合物的形成条件。
- An accumulation of data to be processed. 要处理的数据的一种聚集。
- The composition of clinker from shaft kilns, the mineral substances as well as forming conditions were analyzed. 分析了不同形状的立窑熟料的成分、矿物组成及形成条件。
- Because the south section of Selibuya Fault formed at a time without late rebuilding, the reservoir forming condition is good in Hercynian or Himalayan. 色力布亚南段由于是一次性形成,未经后期运动改造,无论是海西期还是喜山期,都具备成藏的保存条件。
- An accumulation of work is waiting to be done. 一堆积下的工作等著要做。
- Test results indicate that it causes significant diference in tapping torque by different forming conditions. 试验结果表明,挤压扭矩在不同的加工条件下有很大变化。
- The analysis of reservoir forming conditions shows that, many types of stratigraphic trap. 成藏条件分析表明,处于盆地边缘的王庄地区发育多种地层圈闭和两种输导体系。
- This paper analyses the formative condition for oasis in the Qaidam Basin and carries out the oasis re-gionalization at first time in the Qaidam Basin. 分析柴达木盆地绿洲形成条件,首次进行柴达木盆地的绿洲区划。
- The main parameters of the fabrication process and the effect of the forming conditions on FRM sheet properties are emphatically discussed in this paper. 着重探讨了成形技术中的主要影响因素及成形条件对成形后金属基复合材料特性的影响。
- Forming conditions of igneous reservoirs in Liaohe basin are also discussed in terms of structural setting, source con... 综合分析认为:辽河盆地火成岩具有良好的勘探开发前景。