- accretion by black hole 黑洞吸积
- Although unconventional, Mottola and Mazur's Gravastar explanation for Black holes does solve at least one serious quandary created by black hole theory. 虽然听起来有些超乎想象,但是Mottola和Mazur的黑洞真空新解说至少解决了一个黑洞理论对之无能为力的难题。
- One black hole hunter is Janna Levin. 简娜列文是这些黑洞搜寻者中的一员。
- Usually, a real black hole will have accretion disk around it and have jets gushing out at two poles. 通常,黑洞会被吸积盘所环绕,两极更有喷流。
- Light rays are absorbed by black surfaces. 光线被黑色表面吸收(而无反射)。
- Although it becomes invisible past a certain point, an accretion disk, which is visible, develops as the matter swirls toward the black hole. 虽然它变成看不见的过去某点,一个增大圆盘,是可见的,当物质向黑洞成漩涡发展。
- Our best measurements of the primordial deuterium abundance come from observations of hydrogen clouds backlit by quasars, extremely distant and bright beacons thought to be powered by black holes. 类星体一向被认为是由威力强大的黑洞所驱动的遥远而明亮的光源,测量太初氘丰度的最好方法就是观测那些后方有类星体照亮的氢云。
- Do you know why death is symbolized by black? 你知道为什么黑色象征着死亡吗?
- The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis. 在中子星或黑洞伴星上发生吸积的模型,仍应看成是一个有价值的假说。
- There are no "real" pictures of a black hole. 其实并没有真正的黑洞照片。
- X-ray observations of iron in the accretion disks may actually be showing the effects of such a massive black hole as well. 同时,铁的X射线对这种吸积现象的观察资料实际上也可以反映这种巨大黑洞的影响。
- The kids were shining a torch into the black hole. 孩子们拿着火把向黑洞里照去。
- Matter funnels into the supermassive black hole from a ring of material circling around it and called an accretion disk. 在黑洞周围旋转的物质环带叫做吸积盘,其中的物质沿着漏斗状的通道进入这个超大质量的黑洞中。
- Inside a black hole, space and time swap roles. 在黑洞内,空间和时间的角色互换。
- First Step: Paint figure of face by black points, symmetrical. 步骤一:首先用黑色像素点勾勒出人物脸部轮廓,注意对称。
- Can you escape from a Black Hole? 你能从黑洞里逃走吗?
- First Step: Paint roof of the house by black pixel lines. 步骤一:首先用黑色像素线条画屋顶。
- There is no intrinsic mass limit on a black hole. 理论上,黑洞是没有质量的上下限。
- First Step:Paint figure of face by black points,symmetrical. 步骤一:首先用像素点勾勒出人物脸部轮廓,注意对称。
- Its a black hole about the size of an electron. 是一个只有电子大小的黑洞。