- accounting reports decoration 历史成本
- Have you finished writing the account report? 你写完那份财务报告了吗?
- Analytic Case of Accounting Reports of Sanjiang International Corporation Ltd. 三江国际有限公司会计报表分析案例。
- Users may generate reports and statistics as well as accounting reports in PDF format. 用户可以生成报表和统计信息,以及PDF格式的财务报表。
- A joint stock limited company established through public share offer shall make public its financial and accounting reports. 以募集设立方式成立的股份有限公司必须公告其财务会计报告。
- Whether accounting documents, account books, financial and accounting reports and other accounting documents are authentic and complete. 会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告和其他会计资料是否真实、完整;
- Analysis of the Accounting Report of Enterprisesin the Information Economic Era. 浅谈信息经济时代的企业会计报告。
- Shareholders are entitled to inspect the minutes of meetings of shareholder committee as well as the financial and accounting reports of the company. 第三十二条:股东有权查阅股东会会议记录和公司财务会计报告。
- He says that accountants report cost all savings from his work. 他说会计师报告花费了他工作的所有积蓄。
- Shareholders have the right to examine the minutes of shareholders' meetings and the company's financial and accounting reports. 股东有权查阅股东会会议记录和公司财务会计报告。
- The article analyses the component parts of financial accounting report in detail. 对企业的财务会计报告的组成部分进行了一一的详细分析。
- The basis for the preparation of financial documents and accounting reports provided for different users of accounting shall be consistent. 向不同的会计资料使用者提供的财务会计报告,其编制依据应当一致。
- In the bussiness accounting,working out the accounting report is its final programe. 在企业会计核算中,编制财务报告是其最终程序。
- However, in real life, the management might try to manipulate accounting reports with special intention or based on their own purpose. 但是实际生活中,企业管理层也会为某种目的而进行利润操作。
- No enterprise may compile and tender a financial accounting report which is false or conceals any important fact. 第三条企业不得编制和对外提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告。
- Along wth economic development, traditional accounting reports expose defects of incompletion in content and untimeliness in release. 摘要随着新经济形态的出现,传统的财务报告在披露内容的完整性和披露时间的及时性方面面临着前所未有的挑战。
- Where foreign currency is used as the standard currency in accounting, the joint venture shall convert the said currency into Renminbi in its financial accounting reports. 以外国货币作为记账本位币的合营企业,其编报的财务会计报告应当折算为人民币。
- The development of the financial markets is built on investor confidence and support, while investor confidence depends very much on their trust in accounting reports. 金融市场的发展建基于投资者的信心和支持,而投资者的信心很大程度是。
- A company shall prepare its financial and accounting reports at the end of each fiscal year, which shall be reviewed and verified in accordance with the law. 第一百七十五条:公司应当在每一会计年度终了时制作财务会计报告,并依法经审查验证。
- A limited liability company shall deliver its financial and accounting reports to each shareholder within the time limit prescribed by the articles of association. 第一百七十六条:有限责任公司应当按照公司章程规定的期限将财务会计报告送交各股东。