- The versatile accounting items are expounded with the aim at improving the accounting practice of the special fund. 在理论与实践的结合点上阐明事业单位普遍适用的有关专用基金的核算内容、核算方法并分录例举,以确保专用资金在会计实践中得到进一步的完善。
- Article 12. Each unit shall set up its accounting items and account books in accordance with the provisions of the accounting system. 第十二条各单位按照会计制度的规定设置会计科目和会计帐簿。
- It illustrates the accounting contents,procedure and accounting items of HRA抯 practice and thedesign for disclosure system of HRA. 并对人力资源会计的核算内容、会计科目、核算流程及信息披露制度的设计一一进行了探讨和论述。
- It illustrates the accounting contents, procedure and accounting items of HRA抯 practice and the design for disclosure system of HRA. 并对人力资源会计的核算内容、会计科目、核算流程及信息披露制度的设计一一进行了探讨和论述。
- A ledger account is simply a record of changes (increase and decrease)and balances in value of a specific accounting item. 分类帐户不过是特定会计项目价值的变动(增加与减少)和结余的记录。
- A ledger account is simply a record of changes (increase and decrease) and balances in value of a specific accounting item. 分类帐户不过是特定会计项目价值的变动(增加与减少)和结余的记录。
- A ledger account is simply a record of changes (increase and decrease)and balances in value of a ecific accounting item. 分类帐户不过是特定会计项目价值的变动(增加与减少)和结余的记录。
- The occupant enterprise shall adjust its accounting items according to the affirmation document issued by the State-owned assets administration department and attend to the property right registration of state-owned assets. (三)占用企业依据国有资产管理部门的确认文件调整会计帐目,办理国有资产产权登记手续。
- General chronological books: those recording all events on chronological basis or concurrently recording the footing of special chronological accounting items on chronological basis, such as day book or journal, etc. 一普通序时帐簿:以对于一切事项为序时登记或并对于特种序时帐项之结数为序时登记而设者,如日记簿或分录簿等属之。
- But donor countries claimed that the Palestinian autonomous region lacks necessary mechanisms for handling the aid and accounting items and therefore refused to completely fulfill this promise. 但援助国声称,巴自治地区缺少必要的处理援助款的机制和会计帐目,因此拒绝完全履行这一承诺。
- The occupant enterprise shall adjust its accounting items according to the affirmation document issued by SSAAO, and attend to the property right registration of state-owned assets. (三)占用企业依据市国资办的确认文件调整会计帐目,办理国有资产产权登记手续。
- An item of debt as recorded in an account. 借方记录在帐本里的负债项目
- On the Design the Trust Accounting Item System 信托会计科目体系设计探索
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- Key Profit and Loss Account Items 主要损益账项目
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- total count of funding account item 资金账户项合计
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。