- The author thinks solving the problem calls for a systematic project and the accountant appointing system does not mean everything. 因为虚假会计信息出自单位会计人员之手就实行会计委派制并以此解决会计信息失真问题这是一种“头疼医头、脚疼医脚”的片面做法。
- Accountant Appointing System in Ningde City 宁德市会计委派制试点工作的探讨
- Suggesting on Accountant Appointing System 关于实行会计委派制的几点建议
- Accountant appointment system is introduced to solve the above problems by the means of the innovation of accountant management. 会计委派制通过对会计人员管理制度进行创新 ,以期解决上述问题 ,本文从各层面对会计委派制的可行性进行了再思考 ;
- accountants appointing system 会计委派制度
- Accountanting appointment system makes to be one new things after all,so it has a lot of incompleted problems to be further inspection according to practise. 会计委派制毕竟是一种新生事物,还有许多的不完善的地方有待于实践的进一步检验。
- Corpus Distribution Theory and Accountant Appointing System in Administrative Units and Institutions 基金本金分流理论与行政事业单位会计委派制
- The factors causing accounting information distortion can be various, while the accountant appointment system is merely a stopgap measure to control accounting information distortion. 影响会计信息失真的因素是多方面的,用会计委派制来治理会计信息失真只是一种治标的方法。
- Unsuitable: The State Enterprise to Carry out Accounting Appoint System 国有企业不宜实行会计委派制
- Research on Feasibility of Accountant Appointment System 会计委派制可行性研究
- Accountant Appointing System 会计委派制
- Reconsidering the Accountant Appointment System 对会计委派制的再认识
- Accountant - appointing system is a mode of accountant management system, maybe also a valid solution to some problems of accounting field. 会计人员委派制是一种全新的会计管理模式,是解决目前会计领域出现的一些问题的有效举措,本文将阐明会计委派制的积极作用和影响;
- Establish alone emission even additionally committee of examine and verify, need revises hair careful appoint system. 另外还要成立单独的发行审核委员会,需要修改发审委的制度。
- Reforming Accountant Appointment System Establishing Accountant Agent System 改革现行会计委派制 建立会计代理制
- On the Accountant Appointment System and Implementation of the System of Appointing Financial Inspector General in China 对我国会计委派制度有关问题的思考
- The appointment system was followed in all research institutions. 在科研机构内部积极推行聘用制。
- Only by that, can the current transitional phase reach the mature phase, can the teacher appointing system in colleges and universities be realized in the real sense. 只有如此,才能从现阶段的过渡期迈向成熟期,全面实现真正意义上的高校教师聘任制度。
- The company he works for has adopted an appointment system. 他所在的那家公司实行的是聘任制。
- Our manager is conversant with account system. 我们的经理精通会计制度。